2020-12-16 HCNetwork TA Call Meeting notes

2020-12-16 HCNetwork TA Call Meeting notes




  • Data QI
  • Data Integration Efforts


Discussion items

TimeItemWhoNotesAction Items


Combine meetings with AllianceChicago?Andrea Price Old Account (Deactivated)
  • AllianceChicago  will be meeting starting January, 2nd Thurs 2pm
  • HCN network is 3rd Wed at 2pm

Holiday hours

NACHC is closed  to  


  • Overall 
Sarah Price

Thanks for participating in All Partners call last week!

Budget and finance - taking a little bit in Contracts; should be getting contract soon!

  • Data QI
Pedro B Carneiro (Deactivated)

Asking for flu data by  - difficult to pull by then.  Pulling from Health Catalyst and working with AllianceChicago 

Karen emailed - next step is talk with Andrew Hamilton (Unlicensed); there is a back and forth to resolve these issues. Aim is to create a set-up, an algorithm for the work so it can be easier in the future.

Part of the complexity it that it is at the encounter level - add to Lessons Learned? 

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