SIPS NFP (Neighborhood Family Practice) Meeting Notes

SIPS NFP (Neighborhood Family Practice) Meeting Notes

Call 1: Apr 10, 2023








  • Quick intros

  • Did outreach (mailers, etc.) & workflow change to make it easier for patients to access online schedule for SAVE

  • Cheryl (nurse & dietitian) on board but unable to attend today - population health does broad outreach, Cheryl will be working more on 1:1 patient outreach and clinical workflows

  • Hoping to work on internal workflow process - not utilizing everything in house

    • New Hispanic community coordinator

  • Data request - SDOH, just started pulling data for another program, interested in working on that

Call 2: May 8, 2023






  • For chart audit, submitted own form but will use template later on

  • Some staff use Health Maintenance, some use Care Gaps depending on personal preference - all the same information

    • “prompt” - looked at office visit and there was no documentation that vaccines were prompted or discussed

      • Part of intervention is asking what providers do

      • For 19+ age, no standard line of vaccinations in visits

      • Interviewed two providers - when they look at care gaps, if the patients declines or postpone they leave it blank; some providers do

        • In the past, if put declined then it drops from Care Maintenance

    • Do not offer Zoster, but can go to pharmacy and get it without a vaccination, so often do not put order in or note that it was discussed

      • Too expensive, not enough people that qualify for it


  • Trouble accessing Confluence big data upload Jira ticket page, will follow up with Confluence administrator; waiting on DUA signature from NACHC

    • Ready to submit big data as soon as DUA in place

  • Intervention

    • After chart audit, interviewed 2 providers to get their input, made a survey but haven’t sent out and deciding whether to send own or NACHC survey

      • Could pull in other 4 providers at site for interview to get feedback

Call 3: Jun 12, 2023








  • Working on mini-interventions, Cheryl (nurse) has been doing interviews

  • Sent out text messages to patients overdue for COVID and sent out letter last week

  • Involved another nurse who would know mini-audits piece better

  • Learned some patients might be due for more than just COVID but don’t do outreach from those other vaccines

    • Used open scheduling link for all vaccines instead of just COVID & flu as was done previously

    • Could do outreach for other vaccines, lacking in HepA

  • Amber & Molly out of office for final SIPS call

  • Interested in continuing to work with us, asked about details of how, when, etc.

    • Would prefer a longer project format, help focus and be able to better understand interventions tried

  • Role of nurses

    • Has standing orders and nurses are very involved in immunization workflow


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