2022-11-18 WHPP Y5 All Partners Call

2022-11-18 WHPP Y5 All Partners Call


Nov 18, 2022


NACHC Informatics Team

Alliance Chicago




NACHC Informatics Team

Alliance Chicago




Crystal Nwachuku

Julia Skapik

Andrea Price

Raymonde Uy

Jennifer Du Mond

Jayson Osika

Ta-Yun Yang

Jena Wallander

Nivedita Mohanty

Michelle Whitt

Seren Karasu

Anne-Marie Overholser

Arlene Pena

Valerie Knibb

Ashleigh Sgrulloni

Elliott Main

Terri Deeds

Arlene Cullum


Discussion items





Action Items





Action Items

11:00 to 11:02

Open Call, Agenda




11:02 to 11:22

Expanded Year 5 Project – MMRC and PQC


Are health centers currently engaged in MMRCs?

  • Jena/AllianceChicago: Lisa was participating in the Illinois MMRC on AC’s behalf. Big stakeholder group and substantial health center representation on that group. Two groups: Violence focused, general focus. They release reports on maternal deaths and another one should be coming out soon.

  • Leslie/CMQCC: Leslie was the state maternal child and adolescent health director in a previous life. MMRC findings land with public health and are within the public health sphere. A lot of approval needed before they publicized. Health departments are not proactive, they put out reports or press releases but they are not proactive. Divide between public health model and clinical model. CMQCC should be the voice for these findings and work with the state.

  • Danielle/RCHC: Not working with MMRC, echoed Leslie’s sentiments.

  • Michelle/OCHIN: No direct link, input or observations of MMRC/PQC work. Opportunity to better understand priorities.


Are health centers currently engaged in PQCs?

Vision: Pick two states and work with their PQCs that are already established -  AC and Health Choice Network. Work typically focuses on what is done in the hospital rather than inpatient side of things.

  • Leslie/CMQCC: Much of the maternal morbidity and mortality occurs after delivery. Every state has a PQC. CDC just funded 27 PQCs to move forward with a project.

    • CMQCC is the PQC for California.

  • Danielle/RCHC: No involvement with PQC outside of our initiative.

  • Michelle/AnneMarie/OCHIN: No direct contact with PQCs through the health center.


11:22 to 11:35

Scope of Work/Task 1 Plan of Action​



Crystal will send SOW to partners once approved.


Prenatal COVID Vaccinations


  • Jena/AC: Not aware of specific health center activities on this. A lot of work around education regarding safety of vaccines. Probably apart of the larger efforts related to prenatal vaccinations. No dashboards on this either.

  • Danielle/RCHC: Involved in CDPH work, they tracked the HEDIS measure. COVID vaccination is incorporated into the other work on prenatal vaccines.

  • Michelle/AnneMarie/OCHIN: Not really tracking on their dashboards. TDAP vaccine dashboard measure exists.

  • Leslie: Specific maternal mortality review on COVID.


11:35 to 11:40




Crystal will send Feebris info to all partners.

11:40 to 11:42

HIMSS Emerging Leaders Proposal




11:42 to 11:45

P&I Conference Brainstorming​




11:45 to 11:50

Next Steps





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