Near North Intervention Assessment

Near North Intervention Assessment

Instructions: Use the pencil icon in the top right to edit the form below. Remember to push PUBLISH when you are done to save your work.


Important Health Center Context

Fill out this section during your planning process


Important Health Center Context

Fill out this section during your planning process


Internal Characteristics

What are the characteristics of your health center? (rural/urban; other demographic variables)?

  • Urban, large proportion of AA patients because located in AA neighborhood,

  • Patient Population Mix:

    • Adults: 61.04%

    • Racial and/or Ethnic Minority: 95.8%

    • Black/African American: 73.01%

What does the infrastructure of your health center look like? (use of expanded care team, culture)?

  • Organizational restructure because longstanding CEO retired as pandemic was ending

  • Hired new PHM/QI position, leadership & staff is representative of community they serve

How do interventions and/or workflows need to be adapted to ensure health equity?

better job of collecting SDoH data and needing to integrate into closing gaps

(affording Rx and transportation, housing)

How complex are the patient interventions to implement (e.g., perceived difficulty of implementation, reflected by duration, scope, radicalness, disruptiveness, and number of steps required)?

Intervention plan is aligned with current organizational efforts and will require low to medium level of effort to implement

What are key characteristics of the participating setting(s)?

key staff turnover (multiple-CEO, CMO, QI person)

External Characteristics

What external or environmental supports or threats are there?

Medicaid PHE unwinding

Medicaid redetermination



Treatment Intensification (Combination Therapy)


Treatment Intensification (Combination Therapy)


Describe Intervention

(Select ONE; use BPAA Project Roadmap for ideas on evidence-based strategies)

Chosen intervention: registry lists of patients with uncontrolled htn on no or monotherapy and determine what intervention would be (e.g., script for patient to intensify medication, use Simplify your Pill Routine cards, other intervention that will focus on intensifying medication)

Plan for intervention: have been validating and analyzing patient level data (ensure provider has seen patient, uncontrolled patients on no or monotherapy), put into dashboard to examine trends, choose a provider to pilot, may share at provider meeting with visual. Provide education on medication intensification

  • Utilizing Nurse visit or Telehealth HTN visits

Utilizing free BP cuffs for patients - manual BP cuffs and document; bring back logs

Diet and lifestyle modifications

  • Referrals to RD (reg dietician for education - in clinic as well as telehealth)

Journaling - BP documentation; Behavioral health;

Assessing HTN med compliance

Chosen Intervention: Focus on patients on no or monotherapy

Date when implemented: Expected in March 2024


Met with Health Center project lead on 12/4/23 to confirm implementation plan

2/21/2024: Want to focus on provider champion who is going to implement intervention and share results with other providers. Have a meeting next week to confirm intervention plan. Also working through patient-level report on no/mono therapy. Once patients are identified, then involve patient coordinators for outreach and follow-up visit (or plan accordingly if they have a scheduled visit). CMO had provider education at beginning of project year on combination therapy (annotate in run chart)!


Reach (#/% patients – or providers, for provider-facing interventions – who participated in intervention)

Reach of implementers/providers?

Planned: 1 Provider


Reach of implementers/providers?

Actual: 1 Champion provider identified


Reach of patients (# of patients receiving treatment intensification)?



  • # AA pts. w/uncontrolled HTN on no therapy (as of 6/30/2023): 185

  • # AA pts. w/uncontrolled HTN on monotherapy (as of 6/30/2023): 489

Reach of patients (# of patients receiving treatment intensification)?


Champion provider is working to implement intervention to 61 patients

Efficacy (Impact of intervention on important outcomes)

How will you measure that your intervention is working?

Will assess champion provider performance versus baseline

Were you able to accurately measure how your intervention was working?


What outcomes do you expect?

look at number of appointments coming in for the month and determine a reasonable goal based on n, will do chart audits after the appointment to determine the result, also want to see if accidentally prescribing monotherapy. Goals will be increased as have success

What outcomes have you seen?

Number of patients who have received medication intensification has increased in last couple of months. Champion provider is currently at 27%, working to improve results further

How will you ensure your intervention will be effective for your target population?

that patient does have the recommended medication prescribed

Did your intervention reach the target population?

Yes, intervention plan was created to align with champion provider’s ongoing commitment for HTN control

What unintended consequences or outcomes might there be?

might have prescription, but will adherence be an issue, and won’t be able to look at this until subsequent visit

What unintended outcomes did you experience?

Health educator is currently under utilized. Have plans to engage them more and to also provide at home BP education to patients

Adoption (#/% and representativeness of staff and sites who implemented the intervention)

How did clinicians respond to interventions to intensify medication more rapidly/address therapeutic inertia?

Who will deliver the intervention (actually do the work)? Include staff and sites, if applicable.

Identified champion provider

Who delivered the intervention? Did they have the skills and time needed to complete the intervention?

Champion provider (APN) has been delivering the intervention


How will you know if clinicians/care teams/sites used the intervention?


What proportion of the planned staff/sites implemented the intervention?


Were there any differences between care teams/sites who adopted the intervention best vs. others who did not (e.g., differences in staff types, capacity, etc.)?


Implementation Fidelity (How closely the staff/sites followed the intervention design, delivered it as intended – also called fidelity to the intervention)

How will you know what adaptations or modifications were made during the intervention?

Modifications will be discussed during monthly check-in meetings between project leads

How did you track modifications during the intervention?


What might be some of the possible obstacles to consistent implementation?


What were the barriers to consistent intervention implementation?

Lack of structured empanelment of patients to providers

What costs and resources (including time and burden, not just money) need to be considered?


What costs and resources (including time and burden, not just money) need to be considered?

BP cuffs for patients to monitor at home



How closely did the staff/sites follow the intervention design and deliver as intended?

Check all that apply:

Followed as designed
Followed with minor modifications
Followed somewhat as designed
Not followed as design
Delivered consistently/as intended
Delivered somewhat consistently/somewhat as intended
Delivered inconsistently/not as intended

Modifications made and other notes:


Maintenance (Extent to which intervention is part of routine practices and protocols)

What reinforcements will you put in place to sustain the intervention, if effective?

Clinical decision support (alerts, order sets, templates, registries)
Regular training
Regular reports


What reinforcements did you put into place to sustain the intervention?

Clinical decision support (alerts, order sets, templates, registries)
Regular training
Regular reports



How will you spread your intervention and lessons learned?

Provider meetings

How will you spread your intervention and lessons learned?




What are likely modifications or adaptations that will need to be made to sustain the intervention over time (e.g., lower cost, different staff, reduced intensity, different settings)?


Intervention #2


Intervention #2


Describe Intervention

(Select ONE; use BPAA Project Roadmap for ideas on evidence-based strategies)

Chosen intervention:

Improved patient engagement and increased frequency of follow-up visits

Plan for intervention:

2 week follow-up for patients with uncontrolled BP - can be nurse visit for BP check or telehealth. Led by MA/nurse in exam room for scheduling

Utilizing free BP cuffs for patients

Diet and lifestyle modifications

Referrals to RD


Assessing HTN med compliance


Chosen Intervention:

Date when implemented:



Reach (#/% patients – or providers, for provider-facing interventions – who participated in intervention)

Reach of implementers/providers?


1 provider

Reach of implementers/providers?



Reach of patients (# of patients receiving treatment intensification)?



  • # AA pts. w/uncontrolled HTN on no therapy (as of 6/30/2023): 185

  • # AA pts. w/uncontrolled HTN on monotherapy (as of 6/30/2023): 489

Reach of patients (# of patients receiving treatment intensification)?



Efficacy (Impact of intervention on important outcomes)

How will you measure that your intervention is working?

Review scheduled appointments

Were you able to accurately measure how your intervention was working?


What outcomes do you expect?

Increased patient touchpoints and improved BP control

What outcomes have you seen?


How will you ensure your intervention will be effective for your target population?

Monitor data for increased frequency of patient follow-up visits and documentation of BP measurements

Did your intervention reach the target population?


What unintended consequences or outcomes might there be?

Scheduling difficulties due to limited staff time to coordinate touchpoints

What unintended outcomes did you experience?


Adoption (#/% and representativeness of staff and sites who implemented the intervention)

How did clinicians respond to interventions to intensify medication more rapidly/address therapeutic inertia?

Who will deliver the intervention (actually do the work)? Include staff and sites, if applicable.


Who delivered the intervention? Did they have the skills and time needed to complete the intervention?



How will you know if clinicians/care teams/sites used the intervention?


What proportion of the planned staff/sites implemented the intervention?


Were there any differences between care teams/sites who adopted the intervention best vs. others who did not (e.g., differences in staff types, capacity, etc.)?


Implementation Fidelity (How closely the staff/sites followed the intervention design, delivered it as intended – also called fidelity to the intervention)

How will you know what adaptations or modifications were made during the intervention?

Modifications will be discussed during monthly check-in meetings between project leads

How did you track modifications during the intervention?


What might be some of the possible obstacles to consistent implementation?


What were the barriers to consistent intervention implementation?


What costs and resources (including time and burden, not just money) need to be considered?


What costs and resources (including time and burden, not just money) need to be considered?




How closely did the staff/sites follow the intervention design and deliver as intended?

Check all that apply:

Followed as designed
Followed with minor modifications
Followed somewhat as designed
Not followed as design
Delivered consistently/as intended
Delivered somewhat consistently/somewhat as intended
Delivered inconsistently/not as intended

Modifications made and other notes:


Maintenance (Extent to which intervention is part of routine practices and protocols)

What reinforcements will you put in place to sustain the intervention, if effective?

Clinical decision support (alerts, order sets, templates, registries)
Regular training
Regular reports


What reinforcements did you put into place to sustain the intervention?

Clinical decision support (alerts, order sets, templates, registries)
Regular training
Regular reports



How will you spread your intervention and lessons learned?

Provider meetings

How will you spread your intervention and lessons learned?




What are likely modifications or adaptations that will need to be made to sustain the intervention over time (e.g., lower cost, different staff, reduced intensity, different settings)?


Version Date Comment
Current Version (v. 25) May 10, 2024 18:33 Chris Espersen
v. 24 May 09, 2024 23:02 Varun Venkateswaran
v. 23 May 09, 2024 22:51 Varun Venkateswaran
v. 22 May 09, 2024 22:46 Varun Venkateswaran
v. 21 May 09, 2024 22:46 Varun Venkateswaran
v. 20 May 09, 2024 22:46 Varun Venkateswaran
v. 19 May 09, 2024 22:45 Varun Venkateswaran
v. 18 May 09, 2024 20:50 Varun Venkateswaran
v. 17 May 09, 2024 20:50 Varun Venkateswaran
v. 16 May 09, 2024 20:48 Varun Venkateswaran
v. 15 May 09, 2024 20:29 Varun Venkateswaran
v. 14 Mar 13, 2024 15:49 Varun Venkateswaran
v. 13 Feb 28, 2024 21:47 Varun Venkateswaran
v. 12 Feb 28, 2024 21:38 Varun Venkateswaran
v. 11 Feb 28, 2024 21:33 Varun Venkateswaran
v. 10 Feb 28, 2024 21:32 Varun Venkateswaran
v. 9 Feb 20, 2024 20:36 Varun Venkateswaran
v. 8 Jan 05, 2024 16:39 Lauren Becker
v. 7 Dec 20, 2023 18:37 Varun Venkateswaran
v. 6 Dec 06, 2023 20:35 Varun Venkateswaran
v. 5 Nov 13, 2023 16:33 Varun Venkateswaran
v. 4 Nov 13, 2023 16:26 Varun Venkateswaran
v. 3 Nov 07, 2023 23:19 Varun Venkateswaran
v. 2 Oct 18, 2023 18:49 Chris Espersen
v. 1 Sept 18, 2023 18:03 Lauren Becker

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