Summary Table
Funding Code | Abbreviation | Short Title | Full Title | Funder | Partners |
865-01/02/03/04 | BPAA | BP Control for African Americans | Improve Blood Pressure Control for African Americans | CDC | ATSU |
865-01/02/03/04 | Cholesterol | Cholesterol Management | Improve Cholesterol Management | CDC | ATSU |
865-01/02/03/04 | SMBP | SMBP Forum | Self-Measured Blood Pressure Monitoring Forum and Online Learning Community | CDC | CDC |
865-04 | MH LL | Learning Lab | Million Hearts Learning Lab | CDC | AMA |
865-04 | Innovation | Innovation Competition | Million Hearts Innovation Competition (NOTE: one organization not funded in original cohort) | CDC |
Full Table
Funding Code | Full Title | Lead | Description | Goals | Products | Participating Organizations | Learning Community | Coaching | Data Submission |
865-01/02/03/04 | Improvie Blood Pressure Control in African Americans | Meg Meador | Improve blood pressure control in African Americans by focusing on:
| 10% increase in BP control in African Americans with hypertension 10 mmHg reduction in average systolic blood pressure |
| Yes | Yes | Yes |
865-01/02/03/04 | Improving Use of Statin Therapy for the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease | Rita Lewis |
| 10% improvement in appropriate use of statin therapy or 80% 50% of high-risk patients not on statin therapy (cohort) who have a follow-up visit prescribed a statin | See tools and resources on the NACHC Million Hearts website: https://www.nachc.org/clinical-matters/nachc-million-hearts-initiative/ |
| Yes | Yes | Yes |
865-01/02/03/04 | Self-Measured Blood Pressure Monitoring Forum and Online Learning Community | Rita Lewis | A collaborative community of practice to advance the use of SMBP nationally as a proven strategy to improve hypertension control and prevent heart attacks and strokes. | Open to all; audience includes health care delivery organizations, public health, device manufacturers, and insurers | Yes | No | No | ||
865-04 | Million Hearts Learning Lab | Meg Meador | A bi-monthly mixed methods learning series focused on cardiovascular disease prevention and management topics. CME credits available through the AMA's EdHub | NACHC and AMA Open to all; audience includes clinicians, other care team members, and QI leads | No | No | No | ||
865-04 | Million Hearts Innovation Competition | Rita Lewis | Test virtual cardiac rehab program (note: one organization was funded as an addition to last year's competition awardees) | AllianceChicago | No | No | Yes (one-time) |
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