2022-06-28 HEP C Care Cascade OCHIN

2022-06-28 HEP C Care Cascade OCHIN

Time: 2pm ET

Duration: 1 hour

Meeting Materials


NACHC Informatics TeamOCHIN
  • Jessica Minor
  • Seren Karasu
  • Marshall Hammond Pop Health and Analytics team - responsible for the build
  • Michael Lieberman



Task 1 - Compare the dashboards and evaluate which one is most helpful. Use the one that is most helpful.

  • OCHIN is less restrictive in what they are looking for in each group. It lacks prescription information. CDC cascade is a good place to start for this intervention. 
  • Build on existing HEP C registry to use a more inclusive definition - using lab data. Then build dashboard for clinics to show how their patients are doing on the cascade - to id patients who require intervention.  

1A. Are we meeting with CDC? Yes - we have a closeout meeting with CDC.  Action: we will send it to them and ask them if they'd like to meet to review.

Task 2 

What will be produced?

Is there a way to do a partial deliverable by July 31, 2022?  Are there options to continue - Julia is proposing internally that we use carryover into the fall of 2022, in order to present at end of November.  Can it be piloted by a member by November?

  • Get some data by fall?
  • What has the partner chosen to do with it?  
  • The observations that Dr. Lieberman made on the cascade

Timeline - by end of November (tentative) but does not need to be a full implementation.

 Action Items

  • OCHIN sends the information showed on this call to NACHC.
  • NACHC sends it to CDC with a suggestion that we review on a meeting.
  • Meet with CDC to review and get comments
  • Work within NACHC to see if we can get the project extended to November to finish up.





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