HCD Design

HCD Design


  • What is HCD?
  • Use of this Guide
  • Considerations:
    • Continuous participation
    • Patient perspective
    • Virtual design
    • Measurement and Data Quality
    • Spread and scale

Pre-Project Data Gathering:

Intro documentation from stakeholders-

  • Logo, mission statement, basic health center/patient data, roles/titles/contact info (Sarah)

Technology capacity: EHR and HIT system info (Raymonde)

Phase 1: Setting the Stage-- HCD document (Sarah)


  1. Stakeholder identification (look at the example stakeholders and roles)
  • Contact List
  • Roles
  • Leadership Buy-In
    • Resources
  1. Environmental Scan
    1. Materials of interest, Policies and Procedures/SOP, Evidence/Research, Tools and Manuals, Existing Measures
  2. Needs/Gap analysis
    1. Each stakeholder should bring a list-- ideally done with their partner stakeholders they represent in a brainstorming session
    2. Facilitator can ideally do some collation of major issues
    3. Bring no more than top 2-3 to the group for discussion 
  3. Goals, Scope, Outcomes
    1. Each stakeholder should define or describe a goal: can be a combination of values/vision and goal statement
    2. In Scope: what the scope start and end is, who is involved
    3. Out of Scope: what cannot be controlled by the team, beyond the start or end of the scope
    4. Outcomes: measures of success (AND failure)
      1. Clinical
      2. Experience (patient and care team)
      3.  Financial (payment, equipment, facilities, staffing)
      4. Process (time, materials, waiting, etc)

Design Meeting:

  1. Introduction:
    1. Roles, rules and responsibilities
    2. Review background materials: summary of environmental scan, stakeholders and gaps

Continuous Improvement (throughout):

  1. Decision Log
  2. Lessons Learned Document
  3. Timeline/Milestones -- (Gantt if available)
  4. Swim Lanes (for partners-- should incorporate timeline/milestones)
  5. Project Principles and Rules of the Road--Norms/Guidelines

Phase 2: Understanding the Context (Ray/Julia)

  1. Personas -- examples, guidance
  2. Use Cases -- examples, guidance
  3. Metrics-- Definitions: quality measures, operational measures, patient and care team experience, resources, clinical outcomes
  4. Data Categories
  5. Workflow--slides, journal article, examples -- with description of relationship to dataflow (Raymonde)

Phase 3: Understanding the Data (Pedro)

  1. Dataflow
  2. Data Validation Plan
  • Feasibility/workflow/extraction evaluation
  • Data QA
  1. Data Dictionary
  2. Baseline Measures
  • Baseline Data

Phase 4: Designing a Solution

  1. Intervention Brainstorming
  2. Technical Plan
  • Standards
  • Terminology content
  • Data model/element specifications
  • API or data extraction
  • Conformance Testing
  • Site Architecture
  • Interoperability Planning
  • Site Integration
  1. Implementation Plan
  • Integration Considerations
  • Timeline
  • Implementation Scope
  • User Requirements and User Data
  • Training
  • Implementation Package
  • Evaluation Package-- metrics
  • Testing Plan
  • Feedback to Users
  • Feedback from Users
  • Change Plans
  • Technical Assistance Plan
  1. Dashboards and Feedback
  2. Project Outcomes and Modifications
  3. Training Package
  • Local training materials

Phase 5: Implement and Evaluate

  1. Build solutions
  2. Test
  3. Improve and finalize initial stage
  4. Implement pilot
  5. Evaluate
  6. Plan for scale
  7. Implementation Guide

Phase 6: Scale and Maintain

  1. Rollout plan
  2. Evaluation plan
  3. Feedback from users
  4. Maintenance

Curriculum Materials:

  1. HCD 2 pager--> convert to 1 pager
  2. HCD graphic
  3. Gantt chart
  4. Powerpoint
  5. Data Dictionary Template
  6. Data Reference Document
  7. HCD User Guide
  8. Branding Materials

Technical Plan:

Standardized content across implementation sites-- describes HIT standards, terminology requirements, transport and data standards, validation and testing requirements, data dictionary, measure specifications, generic flows

Implementation Plan:

Individual site/system level specifications for the technical plan and local requirements

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