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Action Items




Action Items




Action Items




Action Items




Action Items

Northstar “Expending Comprehensive Postpartum Care in California”

Critical - link between birth and next step in care

Arlene attended a Fed meeting on evidence for post partum… convened CA Dept of Healthcare Services… AHRQ and NIH were the feds with the evidence review.



Action Items

Task 2.1 through 2.3

Review existing guidelines and identifying guidelines that could be reasonably turned into measures. We do not anticipate validated and deployed measures in a few months. Framed for quality improvement rather than value based care etc.

There are 2 established postpartum measures in circulation – HEDIS and Postpartum depression screening (2 versions CDC and NCQA).

Run a measure for a year or two to make sure it runs well and then include in incentives.

Notification of clinic that birth has occurred. Electronic transfer is ideal but not required. Maybe a phone call?

Immediate issues/probably need to be seen earlier within 2 weeks: substance abuse, hypertension, cardiovascular disease.

Create a high risk definition – these patients need follow up prior to the routine 6-week postpartum visit.

CMQCC provides human readable measures. Ray will work on terminology stuff.

Task 2.4Task 2.4 –

Have we identified sites for Task 2.4? – OCHIN has sites in California. RCHC has sites in California.

Satisfied by existing knowledge of the work in California. Opportunity to review measures with Redwood and OCHIN.



Action Items

No cost extension

In progress as of last week Friday

It was sent to Stanford and Leslie had some questions. NCE has to go through to Stanford Finance.

  • Is the SOW still the same? Yes.

  • End date? July 31, 2023

  • Payment schedule? Invoice when work is done.


Task 1.4 - Share and discuss the environmental scan at the kickoff. Then this is complete.

Task 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 - CMQCC needs clarification on expectations.

  • Per Julia, do we have a good definition already? And if we don't, what does that look like?

  • Elliot suggests focusing on the postpartum period

Task 2.4 -

Measures and ideas for next year

Measure Documentation and High Risk Pregnancies - Women's Health Post Partum CDS, GDM, eCQM - Confluence (

  • AllianceChicago has local high-risk definitions

  • Would it be helpful to partners (for clinical quality improvement component) to create this plan of care?

  • Elliot mentions that pregnancy episode is in most EHRs which includes prenatal and postnatal care. Codes are pregnancy related rather than lifetime.

    • AllianceChicago recently implemented Pregnancy Episode. Epic has implemented pregnancy episode in the pregnancy chart - but problem list may not transfer to patient's overall chart.

  • Look at PAMR report or national datasets (PMSS)


  • CMQCC can present 5-10 minutes on the importance of the postpartum period and transitions to care.

  • Also, share the environmental scan.

  • AC can present their high-risk definitions.


Environmental Scan walkthrough

NACHC Guidelines.docx

Adding links if they exist? Terri isn't sure if others would be able to access the links




Notes, decisions and action items


Deliverable 1 -

  • Task 2.1 - Environmental scan is almost complete.

  • Task 2.4 - This would need to be completed after we receive funding for Year 5 and kickoff.

Deliverable 2 -

  • Much of this could be resolved in a future meeting.

No deadlines for invoicing. Invoice as the work gets done.

Miko already invoiced but he will retract.


  • NACHC is waiting for updated W-9, Leslie will speak with Michael

Invoicing - Please send invoices any time - no end date.


CMQCC role: Expertise and assistance on developing measures.

  1. Work for March of Dimes - Use of Aspirin

2. Working with Medi-Cal - establishing metrics for managed care organizations

  • Room for pilot projects in postpartum

  • C-section measures

  • Big driver is Medicaid

  • Andrea Price (Deactivated) put the question of contraception policies and catholic hospitals for our next all partners call.
  • Get a limited data pull to see what codes are being used; for CMQCC to work on to refine the measures and create flow diagrams.

  • No labels