Measure Documentation and High Risk Pregnancies
High risk pregnancy definition--> define what outcomes we are interested in (fetal anomalies, preterm birth, peripartum morbidity, postpartum morbidity/mortality)
Postpartum follow up: comprehensive
Postpartum contraception: modified NQF measure that includes counseling
Postpartum diabetes screening for patients with GDM:
Outcome measure: Patients who progress to DM
Postpartum follow up for high risk pregnancies-- stratify by specific high risk categories?
Screening for HTN and proteinuria during pregnancy
Management of chronic HTN, proteinuria, gestational HTN: screening, aspirin and follow up?: national guideline to prevent preeclampsia
Outcome measure: Patients who progress to preeclampsia, eclampsia, HELLP
Screening for postpartum depression: HEDIS measure
Follow up for postpartum depression: HEDIS measure
Screening and follow up for substance abuse disorders in pregnancy and postpartum period
Plan of care: postpartum follow up, urgent warning signs checklist (CDC Hear Her campaign)
Process Measure: Documentation of actual delivery (within 72h?)
Transition of Care: transfer to primary care including gestational and postpartum diagnoses (priority for high risk pregnancies or maternal/postpartum complications or conditions)
Health equity in pregnancy outcomes
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