NACHC Data Governance Homepage

This is the homepage for NACHC data governance work. 

What is data governance? Data governance can mean different things to different organizations. Based on how AHIMA defines data governance, NACHC thinks of data governance as the set of policies and procedures that determine the who, how, and why of data use within the organization. NACHC implements these policies and procedures within an organization-wide framework for managing health information throughout its lifecycle. Strong data governance supports compliance and legal efforts by organizing data for retrieval and retention, especially over the long term. 

Why does NACHC need data governance? NACHC has developed a robust portfolio of data-related projects that involve receiving EHR and administrative data from FQHCs, health center controlled networks ('networks'), primary care associations (PCAs), and other partners. Some of this data includes protected health information (PHI) and can identify the originating organization. Each data related project has highlighted opportunities for data governance, where defined policy and processes could have made the project more efficient. Thus, NACHC initiated a dedicated data governance effort in 2021 and partnered with a consultant to facilitate this work. The results of the data governance work are represented on two related spaces on Confluence: an internal data governance space for NACHC staff and an external data governance space for public users

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