Encounters to define pop -does not need to be UDS, any encounter where a vaccine could have been administered at the discretion of the partner
ex. nurse visits for patient care not seeing primary care
Inclusion criteria? Any encounter even without vaccine
Death date? Can be pulled in NextGen but advised them that it’s not necessary
If a patient had several encounters within the time frame? One record (row) for each
i2i does not pull encounter number, need to use in nextGen
Multiple columns or 4 different reports?
SDOH - can pull transport, for example
We want the partners to pull one row per question instead of multiple columns
Demographics was easy to pull
English proficiency on data request, they have preferred language field which is fine
CPT or CVS? NACHC preference for CVX
Access to outside vaccines?
Will ad historical data, not sure if they can pull in NextGen, it will pull CPT codes so unsure if it was in or out of HC
Patient IDs? We CANNOT use something in the HC system,
advised to use excel random generator
Sent partner new Data Request that specifies which data elements are more or less essential
Careta out the 10th (holiday)
DUA under review
Will schedule next meeting when DUA has progressed, otherwise partner will email questions (hold on calendar?)
Action Items
Morning huddle - use i2i
Mapped when patients are due - providers block for 15 minutes and meet with patient service rep, nurse, MA, etc. look at who is coming in that day and what they need
Just finished pneumo PDSA
Standing order
Hesitancy on part of staff
Clinical champion? Assistant CMO, Careta supports from behind the scenes
Mass vax events?
Everyone is treated as a patient
Health reports
IT transition
New data analyst uses i2i, NextGen also has crystal reports
lots of different reports, different asks
Can dig into data
SDOH - behavioral health team primarily collects for patients
MAs use old PRAPARE tool, didn’t like when NextGen upgraded
Still trying to get a decent report
NACHC to send DUA and Data Request
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