
Time: 11am to 1pm ET on WebEx

Meeting OwnerAndrea Price Old Account (Deactivated)

Table of Contents

More ways to join:

Join from the meeting link

Meeting Link:

Join by meeting number

Meeting number (access code): 132 451 1638

Meeting password: Harvest2021

Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)

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Join by phone

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Toll-free calling restrictions


Meeting Purpose 

  1. Harvest lessons learned, successes, opportunities for improvement, and barriers
  2. Identify key ingredient and program modifications to implement this project successfully in health centers
  3. Set up next round for success



Facilitator:  Julia Skapik

Note Taker:   Andrea Price

Tech Host:  Liz will host and Alyssa Foley will be her back up

Time Keeper:   Andrea Price

NACHC Informatics TeamInvited - NACHCCDCCHCsRonald Yee (Deactivated)


titleInternal Agenda

Internal Agenda

  1. NACHC Welcome - Dr. Ron Yee (3m)
  2. CDC Welcome - Lisa Romero & Kate Curtis (5m) 
  3. Introductions (10m) - Julia 
  4. Objectives and Goal Statement for project and meeting (10m) - Julia
    1. Welcome, Purpose, Goals and Structure of Project 
      1. Findings of last 2 years; each year was different, what we learned -Julia
      2. The vision and how it changes - the environmental scene - presidential administrations, COVID
    2. Purpose, Goals and Structure of Harvest Meeting - findings from this year  
  5. Presentation of Data - Julia, Pedro, John (15 m) 
    1. Measures - Pedro & John by
  6. Partner Report Out lessons learned, successes, opportunities for improvement, and barriers (using slide template provided by NACHC) (20m each)  
    1. Tell the Harvest meeting attendees and our sponsors the story of your journey on this project. You are welcome to present data but we are also interested in hearing about the people, processes, challenges and successes. Please also include any messages or requests you want to impart to our sponsors or the larger external community. As part of your report out, please address in some way the following points:
      1.  Revisit the goal statement - is this relevant? What would you change? (Final Report Question I.A)
      2. Revisit your persona - what changed for your persona as a result of the work you did? ( Final Report Question III.A)
      3. What was your biggest Aha moment? (Final Report Question IV.A)
      4. What was the biggest win for you? 
      5. What would add value for your health centers? patients? providers? 
    2. AllianceChicago (20 minutes)  
    3. OCHIN (20 minutes) 
  7. Reflections, comments discussion - Q&A
    1. What care gap are you trying to close, CDC? 

    2. How do we address the goals of OPA and eCQM?
    3. Where would you like to present results
  8.  Scale and Spread
    1. Where should we present these findings - presentations, journal articles?
  9. With an eye toward the future, what are the top three priorities to advance this work and improve outcomes for patients?
    1. Given your lessons learned over the past couple of years, what would you think the next priority be to improve clinical decision support, increase access to high quality care for patients served at health centers? What are your top three priorities? What would add value?
  • Use anonymous popcorn out suggestions on Mentimeter)
  • What would add value to this work?  (use anonymous popcorn out suggestions on Mentimeter)




    Kathleen McNamara (Deactivated)


    Ellen Robinson (Deactivated)

    Kate Curtis (Unlicensed)

    Lisa Romero (Unlicensed)
    See Qualtrics Survey

    Task Planning

    870 C19 2021-06-11 WHPP Harvest Meeting notes LeadDue Date

    Create semi-formal email text and issue invitation to tell Partners and funder th(green star)ey can invite guests - 

    Request bios and pictures for speakers, names, titles for attendees who are not speaking

    2021-06-11 867-03 Harvest Meeting Invitation Draft.docx



    Create and send Qualtrics link for attendee registration.  Ask them to have their ppl submit by 

    C:\Users\aprice\NACHC\Informatics Team - Documents\867 WHPP Women's Health Y3 Combined Projects\867-03 WHPP CDS GDM eCQM\3. Meetings 867-03 All Partner Calls\2021-06-11 Harvest Meeting 

    Andrea Price Old Account (Deactivated)



    Do we need graphics products for the Harvest Meeting?  If so, let Ellen and Sonia know so they can block out time.

    Elizabeth to send meeting link to everyone who registered for the meeting on QualtricsElizabeth Breidenbach


    Invite Ron to provide the NACHC welcomeDone(star)

    Ask CDC what they want to know 


    Send Final Report format and request that partners complete the final report



    Partners deadline to return Final ReportsAndrea Price Old Account (Deactivated)



    Review final reports and develop themes for discussion using

    • CDC questions 
    • partner themes


    Reach out to partners to provide slide template and request that they address a particular theme, give them a slide limit and time limit, request the slides by due date and the name and position(s) of the person(s) who will speak.

    Create participant listAndrea Price Old Account (Deactivated)


    Deadline for speakers to send slides to Andrea


    Send final slide set and run of show to Kathy for review and comment


    Update Run of Show and hold Tech Rehearsal; identify any questions for speakers


    Load participant list and agenda into handouts area.


    After Kathleen McNamara (Deactivated) clears the slides, notify all speakers of final run of show and slides. 


    Hold meeting, use slides and run of show


    Thank you notes


    More ways to join:

    Join by meeting number

    Meeting number (access code): 132 451 1638

    Meeting password: Harvest2021

    Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only)

    1-866-469-3239,,1324511638## USA Toll Free

    +1-650-429-3300,,1324511638## USA Toll

    Join by phone

    1-866-469-3239 USA Toll Free

    +1-650-429-3300 USA Toll

    Toll-free calling restrictions



    • Virtual Meeting via WebEx Event. Join event by 10:45 pm to test video and audio  NACHC staff will be on at 10:30am
    • Scheduled for two hours 
    • Event will be recorded and transcribed. 
    • Video for attendees, encourage use 
    • Housekeeping slides at the meeting start; agenda will be included as a download, along with any other key documents and for interactive activities. 


    Breakout Groups 



    Yes, used for interactive exercises - Mentimeter.

    Public Facing Agenda 


    •  Final Public-Facing Agenda in PDF

    Slide Deck 

    Agenda Item 


    Amount of  




    PPT Slide # 


    Notes/Talking points to emphasize 

    1. Housekeeping  



    1:00 pm 



    • Instructions for: 
    • Chat 
    • Questions
    • Mentimeter 











    Turn it over to (next speaker) 

    Item 1 







    • Refer to link to agenda, minutes and handouts 



    Turn it over to (next speaker) 

    Item 2 






    Board Report 


    Turn it over to (next speaker) 

    Item 3 


    2 minutes 

