This page is a landing spot for LeeAnn and Andrea to share information on FHIR software development from the design and project management level.
Should we propose that NACHC CAD engage a consulting company experiened in UAT and/or the front end of user development instead of building this expertise inside NACHC? Pros? Cons?
Consider: Should we combine LeeAnn’s model and Andrea’s Phases?
Define the needs for centralization of FHIR App software development and the projects to which these apply
Define roles and responsibilities
Julia and Ray are ultimate owner of the FHIR apps - they are SMEs on standardized data elements from data dictionary, measurements from the Bureau, interoperability, value sets.
LeeAnn and Andrea work on each project (funding streams) - design and execute
OUD - From the beginning
CAI - Testing
Establish timeline(s)
Describe the ideal situation – Kathy - 5 min
One FHIR app, with different funding streams and different end users
Standardized how we test and roll out
Need a systematic way to standardize and test with end users (or any time there is software development) - standardize the way we engage end-users in the development process.
How much is content knowledge important on the part of end users, or is it more about how we functionally use apps.
Describe each product and its current state – All – 2 min
VAP - Product is out there, being used by one health center. Posted on athena. July 31st end of year, new funding likely.
CAI - Product is there. Launching a new year. Project year just began April 1.
OUD - Initiating requirements gathering process. Project year ends July 31.
Review software development model 35 min
Discuss roles, responsibilities, timeline
Next steps 5 min
Software Development Model (LeeAnn and Andrea to further develop)
Phase 1: Discovery - What are the problems? How can technology assist with this problem?
Define the audience(s)/stakeholders who will inform the design. Who is impacted? Who are the gatekeepers who will decide if they will use/not use this tool?
Informatics (at CHCs?)
Community Health Workers
Point person as main contact/champion
prepare detailed documents that support what is needed for this person to know
this person recruits, knows what is needed, who to recruit, how much time, room, food, av, type of person who needs to be there, number of people
confidentiality form - Ellen has a form she uses to get permission to be show in pix and video. Sarah and Wanda have them.
Informational interviews
Design group of staff
Design group of patients
Budget Implications
Honoraria for health centers to comensate for admin time
Report writer
Phase 2. Requirements collection - Goal: to gather and document business requirements
Develop user stories examples of how this app could help solve pain points
Gather Business Requirements: stakeholders, assumptions, high-level system requirements (does this go in Phase 2 or in 3?)
Phase 3. Design - Goal: to translate software development requirements into design
Write Software Requirements Document (see example Table 1 - check with software developers to see if they use a different kind of form)
Phase 4. Software development -Goal: To build the actual software
Done by software development company in consultation with NACHC
Meet with software company periodically to go down the list of requirements and check off those that are addressed, entertain questions about any that need discussion.
Phase 5. Testing & Tweak- Goal: To ensure the software meets requirements
User Acceptance Testing with 3-5 of each type of user, individually via interview. Focus group(s) optional.
Phase 6. Deployment - Goal: To deliver completed software to users
Work with CAD Comms and users to identify channels and messages
CAD Comms creates materials and disseminates
Phase 6: Continuous Improvement - Goal: To add, revise, improve functionality per user needs
Table 1
Action Items
Contracts - Budget and timeline for user testing, interoperability testing
Date: Friday
Andrea and LeeAnne
We each know what the other is thinking for software development process and user acceptance testing.
We have identified any needs/gaps in knowledge (should UAT be designed by or done by a consultant? HealthFlow does not have this strength).
Assignment – watch 1-2 videos from Linked in Learning or read a web site that explains the process of UAT.
Possible discussion topics:
Review Kathy’s comments
Discuss typical software development process - what we do, what HealthFlow does, where to find information.
Andrea ask LeeAnn for help with questionnaire
Discuss learnings from LinkedIn Learning and web research (see notes below)
Invite Sarah P to talk about what she would do differently and critique the plan?
Andrea’s notes and thoughts prompted by Linked In Learning
There is a standard software development process. HealthFlow takes direction from us, but we are not equipped, experienced, or using a traditional software development process on our end. Example of STEVE (State and Territorial Exchange of Vital Events) -I managed a major overhaul and was guided through the process by the software developers. There is a whole process starting with requirements gathering. LeeAnn dis-covered that in her thinking process, i.e., asking potential users what they want rather than starting with what we think they need.
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