Is postpartum period 12 weeks or 8 weeks as is ACOG recommendation.
Redwood health centers are doing 2 pp visits - this way, we'd be excluding the earlier visits. Dr. Whitt concurs, so does Jena.
Danielle Oryn for us the O-codes are more reliable
AnnMarie Overholser at OCHIN we will also use ICD
Danielle Oryn we use the F53 and the O99.345 we have the NCQA value set also
This is a HEDIS measure, so NCQA probably has the codes for that. AnnMarie Overholser SBIRT AUDIT and DAST are commonly used but that doesn't really cover tobacco.
Jena - We also use a "Smoking Status" question (not related to screening).
Ray will create multiple docs out of this document and put in the codes, separating them by condition by and get them out to WHPP partners for comment by