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Women’s Health Post Partum project (CDS, GDM, eCQM)

  1. Welcome & Purpose

  2. CDC Welcome

  3. Partner Presentations - Lessons learned, best practices, summary of approach

  4. Discussion

  5. Year 4 Plans - longer term 

  6. Documentation


Discussion items

Agenda itemLeadStart TimeTime allottedSlide #NOTESAction ItemsNotes/Talking Points, Prompts
NACHC CAD Staff open the call10:30am

Test slide sharing to Mentimeter
Speakers join to test microphones and video

Test mics and video as speakers sign on

Instructions for

  • Chat
  • Questions
  • Polls - There will be a few Mentimeter slides; instructions will be found on those.

Then Alyssa uploads the Agenda and Participant List

NACHC Welcome11:01am3m3

Ron gives the NACHC welcome

Ron welcomes CDC and turns the mic over

CDC Welcome11:04am6m3

Lisa - introductions for CDC guests

Turn mic over to Julia

Introduction to Harvest Meeting11:10am7m4 - 15Public-Facing Agenda

Julia Skapik (Deactivated)  announce that we are sending the Public-Facing Agenda - option to download will pop up - Alyssa will send the agenda.

  • Project goals and objectives
  • Findings of the previous 2 years of work
  • How the project has changed over time (Presidential elections, COVID, combining projects)
  • Purpose of today's Harvest Meeting
  • Introductions of team and guests will be done during each team's time

Partner Report Out - Alliance Chicago 

Dr. Lisa Masinter

Roxane Padilla

11:17am20m17 - 31

Introductions of team and guests

Tell the Harvest meeting attendees and our sponsors the story of your journey on this project. You are welcome to present data but we are also interested in hearing about the people, processes, challenges and successes. Please also include any messages or requests you want to impart to our sponsors or the larger external community. As part of your report out, please address in some way the following points:
i.  Revisit the goal statement - is this relevant? What would you change? (Final Report Question I.A)
ii. Revisit your persona - what changed for your persona as a result of the work you did? ( Final Report Question III.A)
iii. What was your biggest Aha moment? (Final Report Question IV.A)
iv. What was the biggest win for you? 
v. What would add value for your health centers? patients? providers? 

Partner Report Out - OCHIN

Dr. AnneMarie Overholser

Dr. Michele Whitt

11:37am20m32 - 40

Introductions of team and guests
Data Summary12:00pm15m41 - 48

Assist from John and Jayson

Ask if there are questions about the data

Reflections, comments, discussion12:15pm15m49 - 51

Julia facilitate - have people raise hands?

Alyssa Foley switch screen to Mentimeter then open to discussion 

  1. Slide 1 What challenges from the project were you surprised impacted the quality of post-partum care?
  2. Slide 2 What is your biggest takeaway from what you just heard?

Leave slide up

Then go to discussion, Andrea Price Old Account (Deactivated) taking notes

Implications for the Future 12:30pm20m52 - 53

  • Given your lessons learned over the past couple of years, what would you think the next priority be to improve clinical decision support, increase access to high quality care for patients served at community health centers? What are your top three priorities? What would add value?

Julia facilitate, Alyssa Foley switch screen to  Mentimeter

  • Slide 3 What is your biggest motivator from this project?

Leave slide up

Then go to discussion

Scale and Spread12:503m54 - 56

  • Where should would you like to see these findings presented - OCHIN & Alliance conferences, CDC Conferences? Journal articles?

Julia facilitate - have people raise hands? 

Switch screen to Mentimeter

Slide 4 What did you hear that should be scaled and replicated?

Slide 5 Given the lessons learned, what would you suggest for next steps?

Go to Discussion Next Steps slide

Discussion on Next Steps

Papers and PresentationsJulia Skapik (Deactivated)12:55258 - 59

Mentimeter 6 Where should would you like to see these findings presented?

Thank you to partners and CDC, to Kathy and Ron for guidance

EvaluationAndrea Price Old Account (Deactivated)

Create the 4-question Evaluation survey - (see NTTAP survey) Andrea will send out to participants.

TimeItemWhoNotesAction Items
10mWelcome, Purpose, Goals and Structure of Harvest Meeting

NACHC WelcomeRon

CDC Welcome


Partner Reports lessons learned, successes, opportunities for improvement, and barriers

  1. AllianceChicago
  2. Denver
  3. HealthEfficient
  4. HCN
  5. SouthCarolina

Key Topics: 

lessons learned, successes, opportunities for improvement, and barriers

key ingredients and program modifications to implement this project successfully in health centers

Setting up the next round for success: Where should we be moving in the next phase of the work, and what are the questions we want to be able to answer in this next year

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