wanda Has she been told that Informatics is taking this on? More about partnreship support and nvaigating the hopstails CHCs They are alot more advanced than the PQC and MMRC think they are. CDC needed to hear from them on the meetings so they coul dhear what is going on. September 5 is Wanda’s last day. the CHCs in both states are doing more work and are moe impactdful than mmrc pqc and cdc thought that they’d be doing. If they were not doing wha tthey are doing, there would be more mortality than the nospital would see. They are seeing it first -pro-actively, where the PQC … are going to see in the future. The PQC needs to be more focus on what h project is going to be. Florida - big focus is on birth certificates - accuracy, policy migth be pstuff about citzien etc. at the local elve lpeople have to come togethe to figur ei tout. There is a disconnect between what the PQCs are doing … heatlh cetners can accept the 2pweek pp visit… hosps di dnot theink they could. So they did not try. The five chcs that are part of the partner in fla, they try to get them in within 7 bdays if high risk. Some hopss have been sharing info with their health cetner - depends on zip code and county. Most of teh efforst ar chart review… CHCs are aware of htn, depression, getting that data is useful… PQC shares info but it is not getting ot the health center. We need to make sure info at hte state level gets disseminated to ALL service providers int eh estate, not just the hospitals… CHCs are doing a great job in the prenatal space - need to loook at disparity in teh pops to be servcied… Primary: look at CHCs that have a good information exchange with the hospital - how did they get there, and then how to help the health centers in the state tell their story differently to build relationships with the hospitals.
JS: Dyad model- peer to peer? teaching model? FL 45 days coveage post partum services IL 365 days coveage post partum services Who are the stars who can be good examples? Get Roger Chaufournier to give insights - is there leverage point with FTCA to provide service hours at health centers? Partnership is important bewetn hosptial adn health center - how to get things unstcuk? the MMR c ahst he data. Mesage: CHCs are not competition. Wanda has sent reports to KM and RY -
What did health cetners say they needed in orde rto help? staffing challenges, bringing pp to light, higlighting, not getting reports MMRC did for their state. They only saw it when state showed - they’d like to see that informatoin. Bringing the focus from pre-natal to postpartum - bring them back in more frequently afterwards. Key: CAre Coordinator (they dn’t use navitot0r) Ways to share best practices? CHCs are uncovering thigns before the state DPH catches up to it. Need more highlighting - be proactive to showcase what health centers are doing. Illinois - mmrc priority is oUD, but only 1 CHC is interested… the others are not as interested. You’d rather than 2-3 core measures adn others be optional. |
0 minutes 2 secondsAt health centers that are in the maternal health space are not able to kind of accept that two week postpartum visit.
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0 minutes 11 secondsAnd I'm finding the opposite is true.
0 minutes 13 secondsA lot of the health centers proactively have a care coordinator or someone navigating and helping people to come in including the infant back to the Health Center and some cases they are on site at the hospital making the appointments for mom and baby to come back to the Health Center.
0 minutes 32 secondsSo here in Florida when we had the a combined MMRC PQC presentation webinar, the the perception of the PQC was that health centers.
0 minutes 44 secondsHe was told health centers cannot handle a two week postpartum visit and that was he did no followup research to verify that or not.
0 minutes 56 secondsI have a feeling I I haven't been able to verify it.
0 minutes 59 secondsMy my prediction is he has been working with the Florida PCA and I think maybe that clinical committee maybe may have stated that, but it's not an accurate statement.
1 minute 14 secondsSo for the at least for the five health centers that are part of the one in in in Florida, they all stated when we had our Facetoface meeting that that was inaccurate that if they know they have a high risk patient, they actually try and get them in within seven days postpartum.
1 minute 31 secondsOf course there's variation.
1 minute 33 secondsI mean like the data project feels that part that one of the biggest challenges is to getting any information from the hospital, right, because you can't follow up on a delivery you don't know that happened.
1 minute 46 secondsIt depends on the hospital, depends on the, the zip code of where that hospital's located.
1 minute 51 secondsSome hospitals are sharing information with the Health Center.
1 minute 56 secondsSome have access to be able to see their patient and when they're coming back in.
2 minutes 1 secondSo it is very dependent on zip code and county.
2 minutes 5 secondsSo in some areas, health centers are in places where there's really good coalition work occurring and good partnership.
2 minutes 12 secondsAnd then other health centers are in spaces where it's a lot more competitive and a bit more hurdle.
2 minutes 18 secondsSo we can't generalize that to everyone.
2 minutes 20 secondsIt does vary across the state depending upon where they're located.
2 minutes 26 secondsIt's very interesting.
2 minutes 30 secondsSo there is good partnership, but one that I mean it sounds like that's less based on location and more based on the infrastructure and partnerships in wherever they are, right?
2 minutes 43 secondsThat's gonna be true for any of the health centers where they're located, because every, as you know, every system slightly different.
2 minutes 50 secondsBut it's important to know where it is that there is a good practice occurring because those are the ones you could highlight as examples to then hopefully bring and influence the other ones along.
3 minutes 3 secondsSo the PQC, I don't know quote UN quote if they have teeth, I doubt it.
3 minutes 9 secondsBut really they should kind of play a role in in getting hospitals that are not providing that information to maybe take that on as a Qi project.
3 minutes 20 secondsIf they're interested in decreasing you know, pregnancy associated that's in getting postpartum people back into care.
3 minutes 30 secondsAnd so they just have a generalized goal that people will after having given birth that they'll be seen within two weeks.
3 minutes 39 secondsBut whether that's there is a targeted effort and what interventions they're doing on the PQC side to make that happen, I don't know.
3 minutes 49 secondsTo date, on the calls that I've been on and and listened, most of their efforts are chart review audits.
3 minutes 56 secondsThey'll do like 10 charts, 20 charts, and that's how they monitor if they're moving the needle on certain projects.
4 minutes 11 secondsWhat was valuable was when the CDC&MMRC presented the data from 20/17/2019 to highlight the the people disproportionately affected and what are some of the areas where health centers I think had a couple of ha moments in the postpartum period and follow up.
4 minutes 34 secondsSo a lot of them are aware of hypertension, a lot of them are aware of diabetes, I think depression, suicide, those things.
4 minutes 45 secondsAnd so there there was really, there was value actually in them receiving that information.
4 minutes 51 secondsThey said that that type of information isn't shared with them and the PQC shares information, but it's not getting to the Health Center.
28 minutes 22 secondsYeah.
28 minutes 22 secondsWe have to go.
28 minutes 24 secondsYou have to go.
28 minutes 24 secondsMe too.
28 minutes 25 secondsI have to get in the corner.
28 minutes 26 secondsGet to.
28 minutes 26 secondsYeah.
28 minutes 26 secondsI was just going to say, I really appreciate you taking the time.
28 minutes 29 secondsI know we're over.
28 minutes 31 secondsYeah.