Program Strategy
1: Data and Information Systems: Using a Human Centered Design framework working with2
health centered controlled networks and 4 health centers:
1.1 Conduct a project on data element harmonization, standardization and alignment including around pregnancy episode, delivery date, post-partum visit definitions and pregnancy prevention intention
- Fact Sheet
1.2 Complete the codification of these data elements in medical terminologies where missing and build value sets and/or clinical models/profiles to support QI implementation for the project data dictionary
- Defined data element dictionary
- stakeholder feedback and guidance
1.4 Elaborate existing clinical workflow and dataflows and create an implementation plan for proposed improvements
- Clinical workflow and dataflow documentation for the HCCNs and health centers
1.5 Using quality improvement strategies implement an iterative process of using data to improve the interventions to improve results for post-partum care including contraception and post-GDM screening and counseling
- Training materials
- Recommendations for scale and spread
- Metrics on impact of QI initiative on post-partum follow up
- Contraception counseling and use, post-GDM screening and counseling
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Program Strategy 2: Communication and Information Technology
2.1 Recruit 2 HCCNs and health centers to develop quality improvement strategies to test and improve the data collection, data capture and data integrity around post-partum contraceptive and GDM-related diabetes counseling and care
- Fact Sheet
2.2 Health center teams and IT staff extract data that adds value to health care decisions for patients and providers including shared decision making.
- Defined data element dictionary and feedback from eCQM partners from OPA, CDC, UCSF, NQF stakeholders;
- Uniform definition of terms and data capture for delivery dates and patient visit;
- Detailed data dictionary for health center-controlled networks pulling eCQM data
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2.3 Data informs and facilitates a post-partum care plan that is provider- and patient-centric.
- Pre-and post-intervention measures that add value and drive shared decision making;
- Recommendations for scale and spread
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2.4 Present findings at one national medical, quality or HIT conference and at a national forum for FQHCs/partners.
- Presentation of outcomes to at least one national meeting and one FQHC-focused national forum
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2.5 Build educational documents about opportunities to improve data capture and post-partum care pathways
- White paper or academic material on misalignment and gaps in data quality for post-partum care
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2.6 Work with strategic partners to advance quality Postpartum Diabetes Screening that is aligned to include: CDC, ACOG, ADA
- (Documentation of) HCCNs and health center teams contacts drive the QI process for post-partum care
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