Table of Contents | ||||
Depression Screening: The percentage of deliveries in which members were screened for clinical depression using a standardized instrument during the postpartum period. [within 12 weeks of delivery?]
Follow-Up on Positive Screen: The percentage of deliveries in which members received follow-up care within 30 days of a positive depression screen finding.
retest to show improvement (easier with PHQ-2)
Follow up diagnoses of post-partum depression?
Number of screens?
“Appropriate screening at the comprehensive post-partum visit”
Screen at every visit? - varies by health center
Link to UDS measure Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for Depression and Follow-Up Plan (Line 21), CMS2v9 and Depression Remission at Twelve Months (Line 21a), CMS159v8
Validated tools for screening?
Edinburgh? (EDPS)-- short vs long
PHQ-2, PHQ-9 - most health centers probably have this already
Other validated tools?
PHQ-9 validated longitudinally, may be becoming preferred
Not possible to map/provide equivalence scores?
Patients with prior screening in pregnancy?
High risk patients/SMI [exclude from measure]
SMI diagnosis codes?
Mood disorder diagnosis codes?
Prior history of PPMD
Addressing PP anxiety/psychosis?-- EDPS does this
Emergent treatment: active SI, psychosis – gather data? offer resources at the health centers? (link to relevant EDPS elements)
Flag positive high risk questions
Implementation approach:
Screen in clinic- EDPS, PHQ2/9
What constitutes a positive screen? need dummy element “screen+”
Can send via patient portal
View PP screening data:
Part of postpartum note-- prepopulate screening dates and scores
Measure on OB dashboard
Follow up:
Generate a structured referral – ideally to close the loop
OR a visit with a diagnosis of PPMD
OR a behavioral health encounter with PMDD
OR a new SSRI?
HTN Denominator 1: Women with pregnancy >20 weeks
HTN Numerator 21: Women with BP and urine protein screening