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Connectathon Rehearsal: December 14th from 12 to 1:30pm

Connectathon: December 20th from 10 to 11:30am

  1. Agenda Review
  2. Introductory sections on SMART on FHIRE
  3. Activities
  4. Next Steps 

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  2. xx


NACHC Informatics TeamAlliance ChicagoOCHINHL7HealthFlowAlphora 

Julia Skapik (Deactivated)

Pedro B Carneiro (Deactivated)

Raymonde Uy (Unlicensed)

John Gresh

Andrea Price Old Account (Deactivated)

Crystal Nwachuku

Andrew Hamilton (Unlicensed)

Shelly Sital

Seren Karasu

Dr. Michael Lieberman

Ken Allgood

Thai Lam

Table of Contents

Discussion items

ItemWhoNotesAction Items
  • Welcome and Agenda Review

  • What is Introduction to SMART on FHIR

  • What are the Benefits of SMART on FHIR Application

  • SMART on FHIR and the HIV testing program
  • Activity: Software Provider – Deploy Application
  • Activity: End User – Connect to HIV Survey SMART on FHIR Appliction using SmartHealthIT sandbox
  • Activity: End User – Upload patient to SmartHealthIT Server
  • Activity: End User – Connect to HIV testing SMART on FHIR application, find uploaded patient, see if the patient has an HIV Test using SmartHealthIT sandbox
  • Next Steps: Building the production HIV Testing SMART on FHIR ApplicationNACHC HIV-CDS Project

  • Activity 1: Demo of the deployment of a SMART on FHIR application to a production environment

  • Activity 2: Launch of a SMART on FHIR application from an EMR

  • Activity 3: Launch an HIV-CDS Questionnaire from SMART on FHIR

  • Activity 4: Upload a FHIR Patient to the SmartHealthIt R4 Patient FHIR server

  • Activity 5: Launch a SMART on FHIR application that checks if a patient has had an HIV test

  • Conclusion, closing remarks, and round table