Item | Who | Notes | Action Items |
Agenda Review |
Who are the actors? |
| actions they take?When does the action stop?
What is not successful? Do we lose patients at some point in the workflow? Do we stop asking questions after the first two? Do we end up putting sexual history in free text? | Next Steps - Benefits of SMART on FHIR
- SMART on FHIR and the HIV testing program
- Activity: Software Provider – Deploy Application
- Activity: End User – Connect to HIV Survey SMART on FHIR Appliction using SmartHealthIT sandbox
- Activity: End User – Upload patient to SmartHealthIT Server
- Activity: End User – Connect to HIV testing SMART on FHIR application, find uploaded patient, see if the patient has an HIV Test using SmartHealthIT sandbox
- Next Steps: Building the production HIV Testing SMART on FHIR Application
- Conclusion, closing remarks, and round table