Versions Compared


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Notes, decisions and action items


Deliverable 1 -

  • Task 2.1 - Environmental scan is almost complete.

  • Task 2.4 - This would need to be completed after we receive funding for Year 5 and kickoff.

Deliverable 2 -

  • Much of this could be resolved in a future meeting.

No deadlines for invoicing. Invoice as the work gets done.

Miko already invoiced but he will retract.

 Crystal Nwachuku (Deactivated) will schedule a meeting in the beginning of October to review the environmental scan document


Elliot will send his availability along with the contract document.


  • NACHC is waiting for updated W-9, Leslie will speak with Michael

Invoicing - Please send invoices any time - no end date.



CMQCC role: Expertise and assistance on developing measures.

  1. Work for March of Dimes - Use of Aspirin

2. Working with Medi-Cal - establishing metrics for managed care organizations

  • Room for pilot projects in postpartum

  • C-section measures

  • Big driver is Medicaid

  •  Andrea Price (Deactivated) put the question of contraception policies and catholic hospitals for our next all partners call.
  •  Get a limited data pull to see what codes are being used; for CMQCC to work on to refine the measures and create flow diagrams.
