867-05 WHPP Partner SOW notes
Partner Scope of Work for WHPP Y5
| Products | Due Date | Status | Templates | Documentation |
| Deliverable 1: Foundational Work Products: |
1.1 | Recruit 3 CHCs to participate and provide the CHC names on the NACHC on Partner Main Page. | Oct 31, 2022 |
1.2 | Participate in monthly All Partners and/or Technical Assistance calls with NACHC project staff to design solutions, review progress and answer questions. Partner project staff should include at least: Lead, project manager, data analyst. | Oct 31, 2022 |
1.3 | Provide monthly patient-level de-identified data for August 2022 – October 2022 using the Data Dictionary and any updated versions provided by NACHC staff. Generate at least 12 months of data for 5 different postpartum quality measures by the end of year 5 | Oct 31, 2022 |
1.4 | Submit Implementation plan to design and conduct Health Information Technology (HIT)-enabled quality improvement (QI) strategies; implement an iterative process of using data to improve the interventions to improve results for comprehensive post-partum care in the following five areas:
| Oct 31, 2022 |
| Implementation Plan template |
| Amount $22,500 |
| Deliverable 2: HIT Quality Improvement Products: |
2.1 | Participate in monthly All Partners and/or Technical Assistance calls with NACHC project staff to design solutions, review progress and answer questions. Partner project staff should include at least: Lead, project manager, data analyst. | Feb 28, 2023 |
2.2 | Provide monthly patient-level de-identified data for November 2022 – January 2023 using the Data Dictionary and any updated versions provided by NACHC staff. | Feb 28, 2023 |
2.3 | Submit metrics on impact of QI initiative on prenatal and postpartum measures | Feb 28, 2023 |
| Amount $22,500 |
| Deliverable 3: Identify gaps in evidence-based care and contribute to an implementation toolkit for health centers to measure and improve post-partum care |
3.1 | Participate in monthly All Partners and/or Technical Assistance calls with NACHC project staff to design solutions, review progress and answer questions. Partner project staff should include at least: Lead, project manager, data analyst. | May 31, 2023 |
3.2 | Provide monthly patient-level de-identified data for February 2023 – April 2023 using the Data Dictionary and any updated versions provided by NACHC staff. | May 31, 2023 |
3.3 | Vignette or story that details how this project affects a or a story about how the quality improvements made in this project resulted (partners may use a fictional composite or persona developed in a previous year to exemplify the change. i.e., a persona update). The story should show describe the impact of changing the system from the perspective of a. patient’s care, b. care team clinical process, and c. data process . | May 31, 2023 |
3.4 | Participate in the development and/or review of Post-Partum Quality Improvement Implementation Guide as requested by NACHC. | May 31, 2023 |
| Amount $ 22,500 |
| Deliverable 4: Final Reporting |
4.1 | Participate in monthly All Partners and/or Technical Assistance calls with NACHC project staff to design solutions, review progress and answer questions. Partner project staff should include at least: Lead, project manager, data analyst. | Jul 31, 2023 |
4.2 | Provide monthly patient-level de-identified data for May 2023 – July 2023 using the Data Dictionary and any updated versions provided by NACHC staff. | Jul 31, 2023 |
4.3 | Link pregnancy outcomes data from 1 state registry to HCCN data warehouse | Jul 31, 2023 |
4.5 | Participate in Harvest Meeting including the following topics (per slide template)
| Jul 31, 2023 |
4.6 | Upload completed Final Report on Confluence using NACHC template. | Jul 31, 2023 |
| Amount $ 22,500 |
Strategy: Data and Information Systems
| PM2. Receive monthly data pulls from each partner and create and update dashboards for each quality measure
| OP6.
Strategy: Communications and Information Technology
Need measures and timeline. Okay if the timeline is-- by end of Year 5 [AA1] [AA1]
Need measures and timeline. Okay if timeline is -- by the end of Year 5 [AA2] [AA2]
[JS3]Timeline is end of year 5 [JS3]
Can you provide more clarity on what is needed for measures?
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