2022-04-22 WHPP All Partners Call Notes

2022-04-22 WHPP All Partners Call Notes



NACHC Informatics TeamAllianceChicagoOCHINCMQCCRedwood Community Health Coalition

Roxane Padilla

Ta-Yun Yang

Lisa Masinter

Jena Wallander Gemkow

Seren Karasu

AnnMarie Overholser

Michelle Whitt

Leslie Kowalewski

Elliott Main

Discussion items

PersonTopicAction Items


Review of Measures Document 

  • This was sent out, along with data request.
  • AllianceChicago sent questions
    • As AC was building the query based on data dictionary dated 3/22 - are there differences? Canonical link to most recent data dictionary 2022-04
      • YES
        • Formal definitions of the data elements / concepts
        • Added more codes to represent the concepts
        • General reorganization and clean-up
    • Denominator criteria feedback due by May 12.  Do all those needs to be satisfied to be in the denominator?
      • NO, did not need all elements??  
        • LMP and EDD as 
      • Really need to know a delivery date
      • Sometimes this is determined by the post partum visit, if it takes place, the pregnancy was ended - but if we are trying to move forward to plan post partum...
    • California - CMQCC is ___ hospital to send a discharge summary (question) ... 
    •  Contraceptive counseling pregnancy prevention intention (SINC - Self-identified need for contraception)
      • if you have them, great.
      • it looks like there are two... is that the test?? 
    • Gestational Diabetes - best to id via a dx code. not required to track OGT tests.
    • EDD - was listed under GDM - an artifact of how we were timing post partum screening
    • PP depression - if you are using one or more validated instrument, tell us what you used for instrument and validated cut-offs.
    • Substance abuse screening and tab - only need the SA in one place - not in both
    • Hypertension tabs - not looking for a lot of lab values - only lab values that indicate atypical, such as eclampsia, pre-eclampsia, continuing hypertension after delivery
    • Breastfeeding - 

Ta-Yun could send a document or summary describing concepts / codes / data elements / C-CDA document types that describes or informs the pregnancy status

Q&A regarding Data Dictionary

Q: Contraceptive counseling tab: notes “SINC” as the counseling observation, but we only have One Key Question – is that okay?

A: Pregnancy intention and pregnancy prevention intention are both desired but only if they are present

Q: Diabetes GDM tab-Are you looking for all lab values or a threshold confirming GDM?

A: We are actually interested in the lab values in the postpartum period – the expectation is that the GDM diagnosis will be captured to identify patients but if there is another method that captures a significant amount of patients (OGTT is positive without GDM diagnosis code—then please use this method and let us know)

Important piece is: was the test done?

Q: Notes “EDD” as an observation, would we move that to the patient file or is there a reason it falls into GDM?

A: It is only relevant to determine the window of the postpartum screening

Q: Postpartum depression tab- Are you looking for all screening obs values or a threshold confirming these diagnoses?

A: Either approach is fine provided there is an evidence-based or validated cutoff or set of cutoffs—if you are providing positive/negative or none/mild/moderate/severe kinds of categories a mapping would be very helpful in case we get raw data from others and can validate the normalization approach

Q: There is a substance use screening in that tab, and also a separate substance use tab – should we remove substance use screenings from the PPD tab?

A: Please remove the duplicate

Q: hypertension tabs - Are you looking for all lab values or a threshold confirming hypertension?

A: Lab values indicating proteinuria or low platelets are relevant—otherwise they are not needed

Q: Breastfeeding tab – not a question, just noting these are very low-yield – usually captured as free text somewhere else

A: This is not a formal measure for year 4 – we are just looking at data completeness and form/manner as an investigatory query

Q: Preg Intent Prevent tab- is this supposed to capture pregnancy tests? – TBD we will follow up

Post Partum Visit

How comprehensive does using the formal billing codes for the pp visit - how well does that tell us visits that were really post partum?

Are we able to pick up the visit where these important pp follow-up items/questions happened? 

CPSP visit in CA - would not require all those things - they would have to do all those things for z code to be invoked - we are not pulling that code.  Unique to California  CPSP "Comprehensive Prenatal Services Program."  

AllianceChicago also has leveraged provider type

OCHIN PP express lane has all the pieces.

Bundled PaymentsIf you are not sure if there are bundled payment programs - paid elswhere... finance staff may know... if this yields other coding


Are there contraception policies at Catholic hospitals in your network that affect the CHCs?

Are there facilities in your network that restrict service provision - are there mitigation strategies?  

AllianceChicago - there are a lot of centers!  Will go find out - there is a midwifery program affiliated with a Catholic hospital that cannot provide contraception counseling.


Redwood - Would have to check with members - they do interact with Catholic hospital systems.



Redwood - Arlene 

Harvest Meeting - 

AllianceChicago Billing question - Jena - 

Template for partner slides - 

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