Learning Series/Module Overview 2

Learning Series/Module Overview 2

Summary: https://nachc-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/p/nsmith/EV_EwtAB-mdCjaKaWqFQfsMBzvEXEXOGXj6XidZp6b48HQ?e=pZ6Sni&CID=97ae3d7e-3b76-1ac2-0cbf-fcfdbfa033fc


Come to the Table:   A Pediatric Healthy Weight Learning Series for Health Centers   

ZOOM LINK: https://nachc.zoom.us/w/82892638902?tk=4bEssGHylsWcSuOi9i4-3e9po_b5geO-OEUot5MB-Lc.DQMAAAATTMlKthZ5UEJPZVkzbFFqQ05rX2U0OHBNSGRBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA&pwd=N245SUd3MmNZRXh5NC91K0YvSUVPQT09



Registration Link:



Guidlines: https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/doi/10.1542/peds.2022-060640/190443/Clinical-Practice-Guideline-for-the-Evaluation-and?autologincheck=redirected

Combined Attendance for all 4 modules:



Four modules, each an hour in length. The series will run for four weeks: February 7,14,21,28 of 2023  

Overall Goal of Four Modules:  

  1. Participants will be introduced to the new released BMI growth charts for children that include severe obesity and the newly released American Academy of Pediatrics Clinical Practice Guidelines for care of healthy weight, overweight, obesity and severe obesity in pediatrics.  

  1. Participants will have practical and accurate information about how pediatric primary care can engage families around issues related to healthy weight management, recognizing the impacts of Social Determinants of Health with an emphasis on nutrition security as well as food security, and the roles of bias, stigma and cultural issues in communication and care delivery.    

  1. Participants will be knowledgeable of the role of Motivational Interviewing in healthy weight management and will have a chance to model it with their peers. 

  1. Participants will engage in community learning with peers while gathering around the topic of pediatric primary care healthy weight initiatives.   

  1. Participants will be knowledgeable about the current state of pediatric overweight and obesity as a chronic illness, the factors that prevent and augment it, and models that successfully address it in community health center settings.  


Overall Evaluation:  

  1. Participant statement of specific change made in center management in pediatric primary care weight management.  

  1. Participant rating on impact of learning series on clinical care guidelines 

  1. Participants will identify the scope of pediatric overweight and obesity in their centers and a quality improvement initiative to address this. 






CME Objectives  

Module 1  

“Setting the Table: An Overview of Pediatric Primary Care Healthy Weight Challenges”  

Overview of Pediatric Overweight and Obesity as a national public health and primary care challenge. Clinical Practice guidelines introduced. New BMI pediatric growth charts shared. 

Theme of Come to the Table presented  


  • Meaningful Work Moment  

  • Scope of the problem; Sentinel Events of 2020-22  

  • Family wellness as integrated focus   

  • Evidence-base for work  

  • New Growth Charts 

  • New Clinical Practice Guidelines   


Take home tools: Data collection on scope of problem in center population  

Jennie McLaurin  

CDC Representative 



  1. Participants will be able to describe the scope of childhood obesity and overweight in the US.  

  1. Participants will know at least three major factors contributing to child overweight and obesity.  

  1. Participants will know how to access and use the updated pediatric growth charts 

  1. Participants will know how to promote early healthy feeding in 0-2 year olds  

  1. Participants will understand the 5-2-1-0 method of preventive care related to pediatric weight  

Module 2  

“Choosing a Tasty Menu: The Power of Appealing Communication”  

Theme of communication issues that challenge healthy weight care and the role of Motivational Interviewing  


  • Meaningful Work Moment  

  • Bias and Stigma related to body size  

  • Provider and family discomfort in weight-related care  

  • Family preferences and people-first language  

  • Motivational Interviewing as an evidence-based tool  

  • Health Center case studies improving communication techniques  


Take home tools: Bias exercise; MI exercise  

Use of subset of Dr. Nikita Williams slides  

Jennie McLaurin  



  1. Participants will understand the ways bias and stigma affect pediatric healthy weight efforts  

  1. Participants will be able to define people-first language and give an example related to healthy weight care  

  1. Participants will be able to list positively and negatively received words that describe excess weight  

  1. Participants will have tools to implement Motivational Interviewing in pediatric healthy weight settings  




“Families, Food, Nutrition and Choice: Addressing Factors of Environmental and Social Systems”  

Theme of understanding the non-medical factors in cause, prevention, evaluation and treatment of pediatric overweight and obesity with facilitation of identifying community partners for care coordination.  


  • Meaningful Work Moment  

  • Environmental and Social Screening  

  • SDOH tools and resources  

  • Mental Behavioral Health Integration  

  • Mapping to the Clinical Practice Guidelines 


Take Home Action: Environmental scan, evaluation of SDOH incorporation in care at center, identification of a community partner for family-centered healthy weight promotion  


Jennie McLaurin  

Ben Money  

Jess Hinshaw 

Nalani Tarrant 

Sarah Halpin 


  1. Participants will be able to name three components of an environmental and social screen that are relevant to their work  

  1. Participants will be able to differentiate between food security and nutrition security 

  1. Participants will be able to identify three social or environmental factors that impact healthy weight in their pediatric population 

  1.  Participants will be able to identify at least one potential community partner in pediatric weight management work  


Module 4 

"Choosing the Right Utensil: Medical Management of Healthy and Excess Weight”  

Theme of examining the current models of evidence-based care within a pediatric community health center setting  


  • Meaningful Work Moment  

  • Medical Management Overview: Care Cascade and expert algorithms/CPGs (AAP, Bright Futures, CDC Evidence Slide)  

  • Overweight medical management  

  • Obesity medical management  

  • Comorbidity management  

  • Intensive Lifestyle program considerations  

  • Specialty and Referral Care  

  • Models shared by health center leaders  


Take Home Action: Algorithm for medical management at health center; identification of gaps in care or access   


Jennie McLaurin  

Legacy Team Partner  

Jessica Wallace  


  1. Participants will know current guidelines for medical management of children with excess weight, including lab screenings, frequency of visits and intervention models.  

  1. Participants will understand the role of at least 4 comorbidities associated with childhood overweight and obesity   

  1. Participants will be able to identify four factors that impact evidence-based lifestyle interventions 

  1. Participants will be able to describe two components of successful community health center pediatric healthy weight initiatives 






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