11/23/22 | Kathy, Nita, Jennie, Sarah, Naomi Discussion on collab between alliance Chicago and NACHC for PWM | send jennie HCCN/PCA slides Nita/Jennie brainstorm after thanksgiving (content development) - CME - NACHC or PCA? Nita to check on timing (start those conversations w/ illinios) - develop proposal and then involve Naomi and Sarah in logistics
| purpose - come to the table what to do (Nita and Jennie) two options - learned a lot from year 1 - potential to do state based models (different from national, more touch points) - what to do with Illinois - alliance has more touches - Illinois and alliance come together and offer come to the table curriculum to Illinois (collab with PCA) - bring to care teams, CHW, practitioners - do something but not intensive mend project - multipliers at the state level (legislative Medicaid ped obesity - include in reimbursement model) NACHC - logistics, planning, platform - co-design of who is leading the curriculum Modify curriculum - lead SME - partner with one expert from that state to customize to that state - core curriculum is solid - tailoring it is up to Nita and Jennie funding? just CME or learning community? who is this for? pluggable or need to reinvent some content? Dec 15 guidelines/standards - push in January opportunity - use guidelines as a hook and use for pediatricians pilot in Illinois - difference - socialize and orient key aspects to new clinical guidelines - relevant to clinical practices - reorientation around growth charts - stakeholder - sessions already designed and which should be replicated - behavior change/motivational interviewing should be replicated - what was successful and what needs to be replicated (3 to 5) advocate for payer reimbursement (screening, repeat visits) Local relevance - engaging non peds staff doing weight management program - Y in Illinois? tool kit - shows where to start and what to do develop proposal to take to Illinois PCA - 3 to 5 session (Nita and Jennie) - sprint methodology - light lift - shauwnie health center (peds obesity SME/best practices) - funding? successful implementing MEND Leverage other clinicians - metric work, data driven strategy - leaning into qi initiatives - pull numbers use to anchor QI work - what is there, possible, to think about and what to do