Module Details

Module Details



Five modules are planned, each an hour in length. Alternatively, they can be broken into eight 45 minute sessions or ten 30 minute sessions. The series will run from March-July 2022 and may be repeated.

Module Outline

Learning Modules


Launch Date






Module 1

“Setting the Table”

Overview of Pediatric Overweight and Obesity as a national public health and primary care challenge. Practice guidelines introduced.

Theme of Come to the Table presented

Meaningful Work Moment

Scope of the problem; Sentinel Events of 2020-21

Healing Households as integrated focus

Personas and Human-Centered Design

Evidence-base for work

Care Cascade

Data definitions

Resources and Guidelines

Poll and Follow-up 

Take home action: Persona development and data collection on scope of problem in center population

Late March-Early May

Jennie McLaurin

Alliance Partners?

Overall goal of 5 Modules:

Participants will have practical accurate pediatric primary care weight management evaluation and treatment guidelines that will facilitate quality improvement and new best practices at the local health center level.

Participants will engage in community with peers and experience workforce refreshment and joy while gathering around the topic of pediatric primary care weight management initiatives.

Participants will be knowledgeable about the current state of pediatric overweight and obesity as a chronic illness, the factors that augment it, and models that successfully address it in community health center settings.

Goal Module One:

  1. Participants will be able to describe the scope of childhood obesity and overweight in the US.

  2. Participants will know at least three major factors contributing to child overweight and obesity.

  3. Participants will be understand current screening guidelines for primary care pediatric weight management

  4. Participants will be able to describe human-centered design.


Overall Evaluation:

  1. Participant statement of specific change made in center management in pediatric primary care weight management.

  2. Participant rating on impact of learning series on workforce wellness

  3. Participants will identify the scope of pediatric overweight and obesity in their centers and at least two evidence-based interventions being planned or implemented to address this.

Evaluation Module One:






Launch Date





Module 2

“Gathering Community”

Theme of understanding the non-medical factors in cause, prevention, evaluation and treatment. Facilitating identification of community partners for care coordination.

Meaningful Work Moment

Environmental Scan Introduction

SDOH tools and resources

Mental Behavioral Health Integration

Mapping to the Care Cascade

Community Provider highlighted from Legacy Teams to illustrate points and facilitate Q&A

Take Home Action: Environmental scan, evaluation of SDOH incorporation in care at center, identification of a community partner for PCPWMI


Jennie McLaurin

Legacy Team Partner

Jessica Wallace

Goals of Module Two:

  1. Participants will be able to name three components of an environmental scan that are relevant to their work

  2. Centers will be able to identify at least one potential community partner in pediatric weight management work

  3. Participants will be able to screen for food security at pediatric visits

  4. Participants will be able to name two other SDOH that impact childhood weight management other than food security


Module 3

"Choosing the Right Utensil”

Theme of examining the current models of care within a pediatric primary care setting

Meaningful Work Moment

Medical Management Overview: Care Cascade and expert algorithms/CPGs (AAP, Bright Futures, CDC Evidence Slide)

Overweight medical management

Obesity medical management

Comorbidity management

Family History relationships

Motivational Interviewing and Bias Stigma Prevention (this could also be augmented in some ten minute virtual recorded examples, on demand)

Integration of didactic information with Legacy team presentation and Q&A

Take Home Action: Algorithm for medical management at health center; identification of gaps in care or access; Bias exercise; MI exercise

El Rio


Jennie McLaurin

Jessica Wallace

MI video


Goal of Module Three:

  1. Participants will know current guidelines for medical management of overweight and obese children, including lab screenings, frequency of visits and intervention models.

  2. Participants will understand the role of at least 4 comorbidities associated with childhood obesity in the management of childhood obesity

  3. Participants will understand the ways bias and stigma affect pediatric weight management

  4. Participants will be able to implement Motivational Interviewing in pediatric weight management settings


Module 4

“Serving the Plate”

This session reviews the evidence-based components of successful interventions and the variety of ways they can be implemented and adapted locally.

Meaningful Work Moment

Evidence-based slide from CDC

Traffic light slide

CODI summaries

MEND, COMMIT summaries

Legacy team presentation with Q&A

Take Home Action: Model implementation to share with local center for adaption and incorporation of at least one component of intervention




Goal of Module Four:

  1. Participants will know at least three factors necessary for evidence-based PCPWMI


Module 5

“Feast of Interventions”

Summary session of models of care in the field with opportunity for participants to showcase work at any stage of development

Meaningful Work Moment

Sharing of Meaningful Work Moments from the participants

Actions around Bias and Stigma from Participants

Implementations, New and Old

Next Steps and Q&A (ALL)

Evaluation (during and post-session components)


All centers invited to final showcase of work, joining in with Legacy Centers



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