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Welcome to NACHC's Quality Center NDPP's page!

This page will be used to collaborate on the development of the virtual NDPP. 

Project Overview

Add brief message

Upcoming Dates

- Team Meeting

Action Items:

    1. Model/Blueprint:
      1. Emory and HFP complete next draft by 6/1.
      2. NACHC provides feedback by 6/7.
      3. Final due 6/15. 
    2. Curriculum:
      1. Emory and HFP complete next draft by 6/1.
      2. NACHC provides feedback by 6/7.
      3. Final due 6/15. 
    3. Admin:
      1. NACHC schedules meetings for all teams on 6/7 and 6/14

Important Documents

Project Roadmap

Apr2021MayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJan2022FebMarMarker 1

Draft RFP

Accepting Applications

Develop Curriculum

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