2021-08-01 to 2022-07-31 CyncHealth C19 Running Meeting notes

2021-08-01 to 2022-07-31 CyncHealth C19 Running Meeting notes

TimeItemWhoNotesAction Items


QI Challenge


Review SOW

TimeItemWhoNotesAction Items


QI Challenge


Review SOW

TimeItemWhoNotesAction Items


QI Challenge


Review SOW


TimeItemWhoNotesAction Items

Joy says data team is working on data w/in next two weeks. Data by  

QI Challenge (part of SOW)
Melanie is working on this.


Review SOW

CyncHealth has a no cost extension through September.

Any questions about SOW deliverables, please ask!


TimeItemWhoNotesAction Items

Contract addendum is signed. NACHC is expecting one data pull through June 30.

QI Challenge ) (part of SOW)
Idea is to build something that supports quality of care, fills data gaps, etc. 


Review SOW

Data is due through June 30, can be all data all at once.


TimeItemWhoNotesAction Items

No data has been sent due to no contract.

QI Challenge


Review SOW


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Contract is in line to be signed at CyncHealth, then data can flow and Task 1 can be accomplished.  It was resubmitted 

Analytics team provides the data, SDOH data is done separately.

QI Challenge

Has been talking with the superuser we discussed last month.  

QI Challenge does not have to be at the FQHC level, can be at the network level - in fact, most are working at the network level. Improving linkage with IIS system, provider training activities like coding telehealth, HIE linkage, 

AIM is to benefit the partner in the longer term - leverage this project to get QI 

Project has been defined - technical problem is loading it into confluence - Andrea can paste!

Data Validation

Will not be able to do chart reviews - can show through onboarding process that all the connections are correct and data is pulled into correct location, records are run until it is a 1:1 match to the EMR.  This is a great example!

NC..ID process as well ensures data quality.


TimeItemWhoNotesAction Items

Any questions from All Partner meeting

Link to All Partners meeting https://nachc.atlassian.net/l/c/RgWGBjkq

Includes link to Slide Set

QI challenge project
Superuser FQHC (Kenny) can be a partner on the QI; CyncHealth will check to see if this FQHC wants to do a data improvement project.


Data is being prepared for upload after the agreement is signed.

Cannot do some of the validation because CyncHealth has an HIE; Julia suggests doing some checks, can ask FQHCs 

CynchHealth is validating and improving SDOH on another project, this can be part of this project as well. 

Telehealth topic will be covered 3/1/22 call - Marcia Ward of University of Iowa Department of Public Health - Rural Telehealth Center - information from HIE did not include whether the visit was virtual or physical.

Contract is still in NACHC Finance


TimeItemWhomNotesAction Items

Review of Action Items from Previous Meetings

DataRaymonde Uy

IT wants to know format and what is being asked for.

V5 is correct.

upload to CyncHealth File area

Pedro & Jayson


Review of Year 2 SOWAndrea Price (Deactivated)

DUA will be included in the contract package

Purchase Order number and Invoicing instructions will be sent with the contract package.

Contract status
In Finance
  • Andrea Price (Deactivated) check 870 CyncHealth contract on  to see if it has been In Finance for longer than 3 weeks.

Laura Marks lmarks@cynchealth.org

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