Vaccine Metrics and Algorithm to Identify Vaccination

Vaccine Metrics and Algorithm to Identify Vaccination

What proportion of patients received a vaccination in the period of performance?

Period of Performance:

Denominator: UDS patients 

Numerator: Patients who received the vaccine

Exclusions: depends on vaccine may include age, Guillan-Barre, true allergy

Numerator Criteria Satisfied:

Stratify by category:  

1) Vaccine Administered: at site or structured data

  • CVX
  • NDC
  • CPT

2) Vaccine Received Externally: patient was given vaccine elsewhere and proof of vaccination was provided

  • Proof of vaccination in the EHR
  • IIS record of vaccination
  • Claims data 
  • HIE record

3) Patient-reported vaccine history: patient provided location and date of vaccination but no record was received

4) OPTIONAL for some vaccines: Titer-based proof of immunity

Metadata for vaccine history: 

Date Given:


Care Gap Categories:

  • Patient was not offered vaccine or could not access
  • Patient refused
  • Patient reports receipt but no record is available (see vaccine history above)

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