SDOH Data Mapping (COVID)
General Questions
Race data?
In demographics table
Does null in “obs_value_desc_nachc” = missing?
Add variables for missing/unknown/null?
Line 288 - why does this say null?
Specific Domains
Annual Income
Data accounts for 24616 out of 28513 records - 86.3%
Enter annual in prapare_answer? x12 for monthly income?
Enter “Date completed” and Dates?
Domestic Violence
14578 - obs_value_desc_nachc is unknown but unsure is a PRAPARE response?
Everything mapped to PRAPARE questions and answers
Need to look more closely to map to PRAPARE answers
Line 542 - missing?
Line 2682 - missing? Not sure if they are unemployed and seeking or unemployed and not seeking
Safe to assume please specify + country = ethnicity? Or do not map to ethnicity
English Proficiency
Everything mapped to PRAPARE questions and answers
obs_value_desc_nachc says null?
Enter values for Family Size?
How to handle check all that apply? (Record 212)
If the data includes each variable
If the data indicates that mutiple apply but does not specific each variable
Record 305
Declined healthcare/medicine insecurity does not have a field in PRAPARE - should I include missing variable?
Housing Status - transitional?
Need to look more closely to map to PRAPARE answers
Housing status or housing stability?
Release date indicate incarceration but null answer?
obs_value_desc_nachc says null?
Material Security
Line 140 - referall for food services
Migrant farm worker
Everything mapped to PRAPARE questions and answers
Reservist and active duty = Vet no?
Inactive duty = vet?
What was your release date = incarceration?
Line 96
In the past year, have you had trouble paying the costs associated with health care or medicine (such as co-payments, costs for services, prices of medicines?) = PRAPARE Q14. In the past year, have you or any family members you live with been unable to get any of the following when it was really needed? (Healthcare and medicine)
Need go to through employment more closely
Few left over in null
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