CAD Team Survey Feedback
Question 1: What’s your understanding of the 2-day meeting?
A retreat
A retreat to look at strategic planning of CAD within NACHC framework.
Ah, create synergy and align work with NACHC's six pillars, reduce redundancy, leverage expertise across team members.
This will be my first retreat, so I'm not sure what to expect. I assume we'll have the chance to learn about each other's work and skill sets - and identify ways to improve efficiencies within CAD. For example: when to tap which experts within CAD and when to tap experts in other NACHC divisions.
At this time, my understanding is that we will be coming together as a CAD Team to reconnect in-person, for new and ""old"" team members to meet and get to know each other, and for our teams to begin to align and integrate our deliverables, content, messages, frameworks, tools, resources, and platforms across the various funding streams in the context of the NACHC of the Future, NACHC's pillars, NACHC's/CAD's VTF, as well as NACHC's re-organization journey. I understand that is a huge ""ask."""
Honestly it's not clear to me. We use our team retreats to discuss ongoing projects as well as do some team bonding, so my assumption is that this will have a similar purpose?
To determine how to work more effectively and efficiently among teams/across CAD, building upon the LEAN work.
Division in person gathering
I don't have enough information at this point to have an informed 'understanding' - though would say it is around alignment and strategic planning.
A hybrid of team building events, plus strategy discussions (much like the Data Strategy meeting). Maybe some standardization of tools, approaches, etc..
A combination of relationship-building and strategic planning for the division (communication, structure, staffing) to take us into the next 3-5 years. All fitting within the NACHC overall structure/function chart.
Set the tone for 2023: continuing to foster collaboration between CAD teams both personally and professionally.
Learning from the past, focusing on the present, planning for the future
The meeting will be a chance to get together in person, with discussion on the NACHC'S status on Strategic Pillars and Integration Goals (I hope).
Get together with our growing team to plan for the future
To energize and refocus on goals of the division while also bonding as a division
Strategic Planning for CAD, how to work better together to build on every persons assets, excellent work. Efficiencies and getting rid of stuff that we no longer need to be doing.
Question 2: What does a successful event look like?
Very engaging; clear goals and expected outcomes.
Opportunities to collaborate across teams and have clarity on strategic directions. Increased staff engagement with each other and positive morale, especially concerning communication.
We keep with commitments and plan, move forwards to enhance overall CAD programs and activities, streamline workflows, decrease confusion
I'd like to see lots of opportunities to talk with one another and learn from one another - regardless of job title. I'd like to hear about our leadership's vision for the next 1-3-5 years with goals our CAD team can unite around. - It may be interesting to offer opportunities for each CAD team to present a question to the group that's been a challenge for that team - to brainstorm fresh solutions. For example: the Comms team is always trying to learn creative ways to reach our audiences with information CAD develops... but without burning them out. What have other CAD teams learned from the field (or seen themselves) about comms strategies that were impactful locally, regionally, nationally-?
For me, success would feel like having connected with each other, having built trust, and leaving with action items for regular follow-ups and accountability. Additionally, I would find it valuable if we developed CAD guiding principles that we all agree to, e.g., virtual meeting etiquette, response time to meeting invitations emails, meeting of deadlines, compassion, empathy, and kindness.
People come away satisfied that time was well spent, and with other needs sufficiently met (e.g. the food is of reasonable quality :) )
Is there a virtual option? If so, I'd also add that people who are unable to attend in-person (for whatever reason) feel included and able to participate fully."Some of the time is devoted to creating practical solutions, but then we follow-through on finishing what we started. Would love to finish the LEAN work because it feels like we had momentum and laid the foundation but in order to have products and SOPs we can use, we need (time) to finish the work. Some of the time is devoted to illuminating areas of potential collaboration across teams. Some of the time also is devoted to relationship-building"
Success = participants have increased understanding of a shared division vision, how division activities fit w/ division vision, and how division vision and activities fit w/ organization mission & vision.
Transparency; Alignment of projects and work - interconnectedness. Very importantly this means not only within CAD but across NACHC. For within CAD this includes joint and connected workplan development and deployment.
More harmony between teams, better understanding of the work NOW and the work TO COME
Team members feel engaged and real work is done to lay out the course for our future as a division.
Everyone was able to express their thoughts openly involving projects, organizational changes, personal and professional concerns
Lots of interaction; no COVID.
'-Sharing of ideas, brainstorm what worked well and what needs improvement
Lots of smiles, laughs, and the feeling of being on the same page and solidifying goals.
Focused with action steps
Question 3: What would be the best possible outcome(s)?
I don't know
Energized initiates that people are eager to join and that have clear outcomes across divisions and groups.
Clarity and opportunity to identify cross collaboration on a few projects, regardless of funding code.
A 1-3 year strategic plan for CAD ... that takes NACHC-wide interests into account. Something that ties all of our groups together a bit more throughout the organization (not just CAD).
In addition to my response to question #2, the best possible outcome would be that we actually did come together (which I feel is success in-and-of-itself), and that we found a way to be inclusive of CAD team members who were unable to join us in-person.
Are these questions different? Revising my answer above to talk about something different now...
I'd like to get a better understanding of all the different activities happening within the division and how our roles relate to one another, as well as get to know the other members of our division a bit better. "
We continue to build upon what we developed/decided in the retreat, rather than have it fizzle out when we go back to normal work cycles.
CAD would agree on standard use of project management tools and processes (i.e. COnfluence, Sharepoint, Asana)
Team members energized with a clear plan and focus going forward.
High attendance and engagement, with everyone taking home 'SMART' goals
A set of recommendations for the Integration Goals for procurement. This seems rather specific, but the contracting process affects our work on the content side when we cannot bring on partners is a timely way and where our working hours are directed for all of us that touch a SOW or contract before it goes for signature and for filing afterwards.
Plan for the future how to do our jobs better
Understanding goals of each team, collaborating and getting to know each other
A roadmap for the next year
Question 4: What excites you? What concerns you?
Exciting -- See and connect with colleagues; Concerns: Flu/COVID/RSV; going deep/personal with folks I don't really know
Engagement with all of CAD is exciting. Seeing people in person is great. Concern is just whether we can actual use the hopes and plans that result.
Fairly neutral. Meeting with team members is rewarding.
What excites me: the people in this division - the immense talent and passion I witness. What concerns me: the new org chart.... It makes smart sense to move CAD Comms to NACHC Comms (for example), but (selfishly) I'd like to make sure I'm/we're still closely connected to CAD when that day comes. "
I have not traveled since before the pandemic. Traveling to the East Coast and "back to NACHC in Bethesda" is both exciting for me, and it also concerns me. When I think about reconnecting in-person and also facing the reality that people we have lost are no longer there, I am overcome with intense emotion. For me, this Retreat is part of my professional and personal healing journey. I am also concerned that we will not be inclusive of team members who will be unable to join us in-person, as well as travel weather in January as well as viral risks.
I'm excited to have more face-to-face interactions with other people in our division, beyond the limited people who I routinely interact with. I enjoyed the various activities at the all-staff convening that facilitated greater interaction with people beyond my usual bubble, and I'm excited to have more opportunities to do that. I'm still concerned about large groups gathering in person for COVID reasons. I'm also concerned about my physical limitations at that time and not sure how comfortably I will be able to sit in a conference space for an extended period of time. I'm also concerned about the extended period of time away from routine work.
Excited by the opportunity to learn about division program activities. Concerned for the status quo.
Love to hear what other teams are doing and plan things together.
Concern is that we remain "too" flexible and nothing changes
Excites: Our team and health center mission. Concerns: aligning many strong and intelligent minds to create a clear plan to get us to the future.
I'm excited to see and discuss with everyone in CAD!
Concern: any viral outbreaks from traveling and mingling during the holidays
COVID- I see a real need to have technology-free meetings, so I am not sure what to suggest.
I would like steps for action not just ideas. I don't want to do ice breakers/get to know each other.
Excited to spend time with the team and get to know people more
Seeing everyone Exciting. Concerns COVID, RSV and the flu super spreader event
Question 5: What advice would you like the to provide the working group?
Provide fidget items (like at the convergence)
Realize that communication is often changed as it goes back and forth from leadership to staff. Strive for consistent messaging. Thanks for doing this!
You'll never get all right, don't sweat the small stuff, too much process and you might get off track.
Use evidence-based frameworks to guide strategic discussions, propose rules upfront to decrease hashing ""ground rules,"" move one. "
Let's not do icebreakers for the sake of icebreakers. Let's work with meaningful questions that lead to some problem-solving purpose in support of CAD and NACHC.
Please follow your hearts, be vulnerable, and acknowledge and name the complexity of planning this Retreat. Please also know that you have my wholehearted gratitude.
I'm not sure "advice" is the right word here, but my requests are that COVID pre-testing should be required or at least strongly encouraged. I've been disappointed by NACHC policies on this at past events. And please build in frequent breaks and/or opportunities to move around.
People can only do one activity or pay attention to a presentation, etc. for about 20-30 min. and then need to shift. I would think carefully about planning seating and then mixing it up, e.g., one activity by roles, one by professional level, one by teams, one totally blended, etc. Vary the kinds of activities and make sure all are value added. Design to make people feel special and part of something larger. Read Priya Parker's book on The Art of Gathering.
Provide opportunity for Ray to teach us how to do magic.
Think about ways to encourage ALL to feel comfortable to speak and contribute, esp new staff or those in support/admin roles. We know we Directors, etc.. have no problem speaking and sharing ideas. But want to hear more from others.
Listen to all, but come up with the best specific plan/agenda/activities to get us to goal.
Tasty food! :)
Consider some specific things with which we would leave the meeting.
If someone asked us the week after the retreat, "so what did you guys do?" Everyone would be able to clearly articulate 1-3 things we did.Suggest we tackle a few things and do them well rather than try and do everything. Can each team come up with an issue that we then try and solve (break up in groups)?
To match anything "heavy" and "difficult" with something positive and light.
Use your best selves to design an excellent intentional meeting.
Question 6: What should we call the event (i.e., title) in January? Wildly creative suggestions welcome!
Good Trouble Required
CADalyst :)
Embracing the CAD of the Future
I'm boring and I like simplicity... "retreat" is a commonly used term and therefore clear and straightforward. If the name is going to be different, it should clearly reflect the purpose of the gathering.
I don't have any ideas, but I think we should rename our Division, too - maybe the name of the retreat could be part of a larger contest to rename our Division to reflect what we really do!
The CAD Cantata (a piece of music played/sung by many, in different movements)
The CAD Strategy Scrum
reTREAT, reALIGN and RESPOND (P.S., I'm horrible at all things creative)
CAD 2023 Winter Retreat (not too creative, but tells the story!)
CAD Retreat- Connect and Communicate
CAD in CAD: Collaboration And Development in Clinical Affairs Division (sort of a play on words/acronym. Along the lines of "hand in hand")
Not my skill but something that captures fun, action