Date | Action items | Follow Up Items | Notes | Agenda | Notes |
8/17/23 | | Status of Implementation Guide Status of Testimonials, content for CDC website Summary of 2022-23 work Update on AAP/NACHC TA for HOP/REACH, etc….
| only ch. 9 and 10 left 30 page document legacy team call for implementation guide feedback (September) website, microlearnings, testimonials yr 5 - implementation/harvest - el rio + ms waiting for Borinquen (maggie narrative) - integrate then say what is missing need sow and applications for hop pt 2
7/31/23 | | | 55 partners emory + aap partners hop + implementation guide new fte - less aly coordination how close is commit to mend? implementation wrap around - how to? #s and summaries for commit website cost restriction due to packaging intensive intervention smaller # of touches full year not funded w/ new funding (jessica) - developing content - curriculum/guide etc, participating in convening, meet with health centers, contribute to linkage between public health, dissemination, engagment, hop learning community time (hopefully no heavy pm - AAP to lead/pm) not less time, equal 4 tables - maggie, kyskie, sonia, gloria yes to virtual chat Jessica to be registered back end by Kathy
7/20/23 | | | 400k funding with 1 million carry over, 400 - nita and team 150 - sarah and naomi's time Carry over fund Jessica (travel etc) Funding commit site funding Material development (implementation guide) - web designer, microlearnings come to the table workshop? travel/people/cme cost? expertise dissemination presenting Maggie and Kyskie presenting (paying for them - flights travel + hotel but not registration) need to write something for Maggie CEO Sonia will be present - will help Speaker registration for the day Jessica register on the back end (wants to go to the whole thing) Slides due august 7 - light on slides more on approach round table rotation - conversation - PCA/partnerships, innovations, yr 6 implementation - 7 steps, intro, guidelines, conclusion (10 in total) - completed 4 so far have two different iterations - one cdc approved and one true to the group perspective - use the content as a roadshow basis - heres our qr code to learn more/more detail after conference or present the content
3/15/23 | Get the whole picture together, not have siloed approaches/presentations. COMMIT Data Curriculum
Should be strategic and go to states that are most adversely affected. Nita to submit learning objectives, etc.., but will work with NACHC to get the “whole picture” together for presentations | Regroup on Measure Specification adjustments and any upcoming Measures related items Planning for 3/22 CHC Discuss development of standardized Slide Deck on the Refreshed data including 2 HCCNs Update on Rapid Growth work Dissemination
| Dissemination Plan: 2 posters accepted- 1 at AcademyHealth ARM and 1 at PAS (Which shall we prioritize?) Oral Presentation Submissions for Alliance and IPHCA conference, NACHC CHI, and AAP NACHC CHI--”Guidelines or Sidelines….”, children--adults obesity, gaps in evidence and practice. Nita looking to submit on her own
2/13/23 | - Ask Ally and Renee about why they want to work with us
| Presidents Report content---need by COB today (we can review together). Website Come to the Table Legacy Team April meeting.
| This is how this work is making a difference – this is how this work is moving in a better direction – highlight why its important (how much of an issue it is – why CDC trusts NACHC – some quotes Kyskie - SDOH screening - food insecurity (practical application) - slides on tuesday Run of show for wednesday - kyskie 30 min after the hour Poll? PRAPARE? Food intervention measure? 2 people and not 3 people - culmination of 5 year project, need all people at the table at all levels
2/7/23 | Find reimbursement guide - Jessica said we already did it Blog to feature come to the table Find a time to talk to Kathy about Colorado trip | Come to the Table Website Colorado legacy team
| Purpose for sonia’s work Kathy wants to show what's happening and that it is meaningful - Sonia needs to make graphic to keep the work on track Designing implementation guide and sonia’s graphic would help to elevate it topics in resource library being developed - set topics - 150 words describe the issue and highlights anything NACHC is doing specific to the issue - goal: timeless as possible Is this accurate - erica helping with standardization Highlight project with FQHCs - dont imply that it is ongoing - language needs to be neutral - doesnt need to mention what NACHC has done - PWM page (resources on what NACHC has on the topic) - how this issue effects health centers Health centers, PCAs, HCCN audience Implementation guide could serve as a resource What resources belong there? Clearing house should be resources Ongoing strategic area of focus (NACHC website subpages) Subtopic or a whole page? What is relevant to me as a health center - Peds QI CHC, toolkit - JUST NACHC produced resources - justifies subtopic Pediatric health vs pediatric weight management Come to the table recordings (webinars) to be uploaded as a resources Health center would look for obesity resources one pager resource on coding (erica - cheryl- VTF page) needs different parts of the team - rather it be virtual
1/30/23 | - New Aly photo (Sarah)
- Go through Module 2 next week
- Sarah/Jessica - top line agenda, products, goal, name/title/why they should be there - don’t have to pay for space by tomorrow
| 1. Come to the Table--Module 1 2. NACHC Website 3. April Convening 4. Abstract submission to APHA | Confirm budget with Kathy for April (at least 2 per org) All of PHIT to join hitting all the different levels - important for implementation guide (need all 3 from each org social event in Denver PHIT to come a day before or later - towne place 123/night Jessica to draft abstract due next month Update Marissa on site engagement for HOP - Jonathan site and their engagement
1/23/22 | - fill out graphic design form (share confluence link)
- Send Jennie the link to Sarah Barlow recording
- Separate call with Jessica/Sarah/Jennie - noon our time next Monday Jan 30th
- new module 1 Jennie Slides - prevention slide - CDC segment - Renee slides (send out to Sarah/Jessica)
- Confirm with Kathy about Denver convening budget
| Erica/pics/quotes - CDC Come to the table series (overlap/session details) Session - chronic disease slides (Jessica) Kathy - website visual/content about COMMIT (blurb) April convergence
| how to communicate that content out? Sonia to design/elevate content (included on NACHC website) real life impact on those programs - ellen to connect with other comms teams draft about any other programs on the blogs - pwm landing and then the prongs (make more robust in march) Alex is lead for website - CAD - ellen/erica - what content/standardization recording on growths chart still needed from CDC may need to re-record with Sarah Barlow Module 3 - Feb 15th - Kyskie, Maggie and Jessica and Module 4 - Feb 22nd - setting the scene w/ Jessica Module 4 - rick- (medical management) and nita Maggie (Borinquen) - Chronic disease - NACHC slides - Maggie slides on family healthy weight - example from 1 FQHC - find slides from CDC (high level evidence surrounding family weight intervention) Denver convergence - April - logistical help -meeting Denver health team - dinner - templates on in person convening/logistics - direction? someone at each site coordinate flights for all personnel - PCA book flights and then reimbursing one person - whatever is easiest Pre-work for implementation guide development P&I meet up times - Jessica in town - wednesday AM or Thursday PM or Friday
12/12/22 | | | HOP call Wednesday - slides back to him - Sarah to touch base (feedback/condense slides) implementation guide? questions for Kathy - March and April meeting up - doodle poll asap legacy team calls may drop off - get slides regardless - implementation strategies and all potential associated Erica follow up - confirmed with kathy no particular deadline - Borinquen to send pics and quotes after special wrap up - back in touch - worth it for erica to be on the call? Is she fine with what she has/major questions ask Jessica - bring her back jan and feb - dec 21 awkward time - not there yet with what we want to get out of it - maybe brainstorm some options - Kathy question (she will have a strong opinion) Worried about CPG -need high level info in feb, in march invite everyone who attending CTTT - 4 or 5 20 min quick hit lunch time sessions with CPG - tease it at come to the table - Jennie to do it at first session (meet in the middle/figure something out) CDC to tease not Jennie - she wants to explain/dive in fully - 1st session clinical, food security 2/3 - SDOH nutrition and health - Ben Money - dietitian, practices that are out there, motivational interviewing, programs - CPG need to be first to set the stage that comes after - following guidelines Jennie to have everything developed by Jan 4th (by Christmas) - Sarah to give CDC the deadline - CDC to present on how the CPG were developed Practical tool - practical quality improvement (Nita) (session 4) - teaser for 20 min things (who is owning that?) - Sarah to ask? CDC/Jeanie to MC tool kit - baseline measures - population of interest - investigate community etc.
10/24/22 | | | NTTAP - August 2023 AAP potential partner Commit - need in person at el rio in spring 2023, jessica to follow up with kathy regarding SOW + Budget for MS Learning series - febuary dates (x4), sarah to connect jennie and nita
9/26/22 | - Sarah Price will take each piece - review - cohesive format (difficulty to compile) - face sheet to each of them (NACHC header/logo)
- Invite to Sonia for HCCN/PCA event (Save the date) - Sarah Price - who she wants from the health center (chris or someone else?) - mention someone to speak to the health center perspective - health center intervention and how PCA was involved/supported in implementation
- Naomi Smith (Deactivated) Schedule meeting with Kathy (1hr) development meeting ***
| Final Report status—Jennie Quick overview of CDC Workplan technical review—Sarah HCCN/PCA Conference--Sarah Next steps for: HOPS program Come to the Table COMMIT legacy Teams AAP Affinity Group YMCA partnership
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name | 1. Pediatric Weight (1).pdf |
strategies wont be revised remove data and information system activity (FHIR app) - CODI deliverable maternal child health/iron deficiency (separate/not included in PWM work plan) Included HOPS in work plan Adjust process measures/outputs - HOPS + Come to the Table Come to the table - measuring reflection/improvements w/ Jennie (see what we have and how to scale things needs to make sense and be feasible HCCN/PCA audience - show/demonstrate how PCA _ HCCN can support PWM models and implementation in health centers - Sonia - health center rep - talk about each of their “pieces” and the process - Nita/Data piece will be included - presentation/speaker deadline by Oct 14th 8:15 to 9:45 am (1.5 hrs) - key points for PCA to know (15min) - highlighting example of PCA (Sonia) (30min) - Data piece (15 min) - 15 min Q&A Tuesday night- Wednesday evening (Nov 14th-16th)
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name | 2022 PCA and HCCN Conference Agenda - as of 9.23.22 .pdf |
Jessica to see scheduling - class Wednesday evening? potentially two nights for Jessica - hotel logistics? HOPS program - land grant universities learning opportunities for grant writing to partner in PWM opportunities - NACHC and AAP - 1st session Oct 12th - Jonathan, Jessica and Sarah - Oct 12th and Nov 9th confirmed with Jessica - curriculum development with Jeanie - jessica as moderator but also involved in content - monthly meetings - Jan/feb off - march-may - developing curriculum on partnership for other use come to the table - scheduling? alliance Chicago iteration - co running? PCA running - MS? - National one in the spring - taking what we did and splitting into microlearning - resources and having it live on website - pairing it down - state chapters for community health center physicians - family physicians (actual clinical group instead of admin group) - AAP affinity group contacts? Washington State Chapter - Kathy and CDC buy in - NAPNP group Shifting away from Illinois - Borinquen, el rio still running MS waiting for contract/SOP YMCA partnership - joint call on Oct 5th
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