Click 'Save & Continue”
The next page will allow to upload all documents relevant to the contract: Scope of work, budget and any other relevant item.
Input Contract information into Salesforce (see Salesforce instructions here)Upload all relevant documents and click Save.
Contract request will be submitted to CCQ Contract team for review. Based on required items, the request will be: 1/accepted; 2/Rejected; or 3/Cancelled.
Contract team workflow
Contract team receives notification that a request has been submitted for review.
If the request is complete, it is marked as “Accepted” for processing by the Contract Specialist.
The Contract Specialist converts the request into a “Contract Record”
Track Contract throughout the review process - update Salesforce with the dates in which the contract was (1) submitted to Finance, (2) sent to the vendor for signature, and (3) when the agreement has been signed by both parties (fully executed)
Once the contract is executed, NACHC’s Deputy Director, Contracts & Procurement, Sanetra Mitchell, will assign a PO# and notify you and the vendor.
The executed agreement should be uploaded to Salesforce
Contract Documentation
Requirements Based on Contract Amount