We each know what the other is thinking for software development process and user acceptance testing.
We have identified any needs/gaps in knowledge (should UAT be designed by or done by a consultant? HealthFlow does not have this strength).
Assignment – watch 1-2 videos from Linked in Learning or read a web site that explains the process of UAT.–
Possible discussion topics:
Review Kathy’s comments
Discuss typical software development process - what we do, what HealthFlow does, where to find information.
Andrea ask LeeAnn for help with questionnaire
Discuss learnings from LinkedIn Learning and web research (see notes below)
Invite Sarah P to talk about what she would do differently and critique the plan?
Andrea’s notes and thoughts prompted by Linked In Learning
There is a standard software development process. HealthFlow takes direction from us, but we are not equipped, experienced, or using a traditional software development process on our end. Example of STEVE (State and Territorial Exchange of Vital Events) -I managed a major overhaul and was guided through the process by the software developers. There is a whole process starting with requirements gathering. LeeAnn dis-covered that in her thinking process, i.e., asking potential users what they want rather than starting with what we think they need.