HOP call Wednesday - slides back to him - Sarah to touch base (feedback/condense slides)
implementation guide? questions for Kathy - March and April meeting up - doodle poll asap
legacy team calls may drop off - get slides regardless - implementation strategies and all potential associated
Erica follow up - confirmed with kathy no particular deadline - Borinquen to send pics and quotes after special wrap up - back in touch - worth it for erica to be on the call? Is she fine with what she has/major questions ask Jessica - bring her back jan and feb - dec 21 awkward time - not there yet with what we want to get out of it - maybe brainstorm some options - Kathy question (she will have a strong opinion)
Worried about CPG -need high level info in feb, in march invite everyone who attending CTTT - 4 or 5 20 min quick hit lunch time sessions with CPG - tease it at come to the table - Jennie to do it at first session (meet in the middle/figure something out)
CDC to tease not Jennie - she wants to explain/dive in fully - 1st session clinical, food security 2/3 - SDOH nutrition and health - Ben Money - dietitian, practices that are out there, motivational interviewing, programs - CPG need to be first to set the stage that comes after - following guidelines
Jennie to have everything developed by Jan 4th (by Christmas) - Sarah to give CDC the deadline - CDC to present on how the CPG were developed
Practical tool - practical quality improvement (Nita) (session 4) - teaser for 20 min things (who is owning that?) - Sarah to ask? CDC/Jeanie to MC
tool kit - baseline measures - population of interest - investigate community etc.