Item | Notes | Action Items |
CODI | LOAs/Budgets in the hands of YMCA and other partners Implementation starting late October |
Sara Armstrong talked with Lincoln (Kristin Ito) last week. Concern about how much time it may take for implementation; Sara Armstrong provided more info about TA, scheduling, asynchronous, data governance. Sara to follow up again. Julia talk to Tiger Team and also coordinate with Kristin Ito. Tiger Team would be there to offload the data work for Lincoln. Capturing SDOH in the best way possible is the aim. Do we stop at Lincoln or also include Piedmont? Communication: Need to tell the story--Slides/MMWR, Miter has a finance resource CODI Governance/Funding |
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CDC Complementary Work | Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration 3.0: https://www.liebertpub.com/toc/chi/17/S1 Congressional Briefing on Fatty Liver (Aly) Presentation to NP group: 2021.9.covid_and_child_obesity.pdf Aly engaging Early Childhood Nutrition team to get involved at some point this year | None |
Operationalizing Y4 Work | Paradigm Shift see YEAR 4 Planning |
Food Insecurity
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Reconvening TEP AllianceChicago will be co-designing this work |
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Reframing: Healthy Households Looking beyond BMI/Weight and involving food, play, activity, sleep, safety etc... |