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The data governance policies Policies and procedures to inform data-related activities were developed by the NACHC Clinical Affairs team in partnership with other NACHC teams and external partners. These policies and procedures are intended to apply can be applied to any project activities where data of any kind is received, collected, or generated, referred to as 'informatics projectswork' hereinafter. 

Governance Committee

NACHC's use of data received from partners and collected by NACHC are is overseen by a Governance Committee ('GC'). The GC does not provide direct informatics project oversight, but does make recommendations and decisions about project participation, implementation, and the informatics architecture used to carry out informatics projects. A description of the NACHC data and informatics architecture is available here

The GC meets quarterly and includes between 8 and 10 up to seven members who represent 1) NACHC leadership and analytic staff, and 2)external data partners and project partners who represent a broad range of perspectives and collective expertise in clinical care, informatics, data science, and population health. The chairperson Details of the governance committee is Julia Skapic and the vice chairperson is Ron Yee. Ad-hoc GC meetings may be convened for time-sensitive issues. Details of the governance committee membership, scope, and operations (e.g., scope, voting) are defined in a committee charter (need to link this)


Governance Domains and Guiding Principles

There are four domains of governance that are relevant to NACHC's informatics work: data governance, information governance, software governance, and partnership governance. Within those domains, NACHC adheres to eight governance principles: accountability, transparency, integrity, protection, compliance, availability, retention, and disposition as identified by the American Health Information and Management Association (AHIMA). Definitions of each are available on a related site. Governance Relevant topics within each governance domain and principle are addressed in the policies and procedures below. Roles and Responsibilities

Section 1: Governance Approach


NACHC conducts data and informatics work in partnership with data partners and project partners. 

A data partner is an organization owning and/or providing data to NACHC which can include organizations providing direct health services such as federally qualified health centers (FQHCs), primary care association associations (PCA), or health center controlled network networks (HCCN). FQHCs are data owners in that they own the data collected by their organization. PCAs and HCCNs do not collect clinical data but serve as a data steward for clinical data provided by their members and contribute data on behalf of their member organizations. Federal agencies such as the Health Resources and Services Administration may also be a data partnerpartners, providing data to NACHC on behalf of FQHCs (example: UDS data). 

A project partner is an organization who participates in or supports informatics projects work by providing subject matter expertise, funding, vendor services, or other technical assistance. Vendor services may include analysis which can require direct access to project data.

Data partners and project partners are members of the project team. Both project partners and data partners have responsibilities, depending on their level of access and role. add more here about responsibilities.

Informatics Service

NACHC's informatics team provides subject matter expertise, technical assistance, data management, and analysis services. Subject matter expertise includes providing guidance to data partner or project partners on how best to collect, store, and use their data. Technical assistance includes coaching data partners to improve the quality of their data collection and use. Data Management includes receiving, ingesting, standardizing and normalizing, cleaning, and transforming data from partners into a format and structure best suited for analysis.  Analysis services include performing analysis on one or multiple datasets to assess a prescribed outcome or outcomes (e.g., the percent of women who received contraception counseling), calculate a predefined quality measure (e.g., the percent of screening-eligible patients who were screened). When combining datasets from multiple data partners, analysis can include mapping and normalizing disparate data structures and formats into one common data model and linking patients (see Linkage section).

The informatics team generates the following work products: analytic results, value sets, measure definitions, written abstracts and manuscripts, and guidance documents.Responsibilities

NACHC is responsible for

Data partners are responsible for

Project partners are responsible for: 

Project Structure

NACHC organizes and tracks data-related informatics work in projects. A project is established for each unique dataset that is housed by NACHC. When NACHC is performing many distinct analytic services on a given dataset, multiple projects may be established. Each project has a Confluence website which defines the project team, provides links to relevant project documentation and agreements, location of project data, and tracks project progress.  Projects have regular status meetings. Minutes and meeting materials from status meetings are made available on Confluence.  At the start of each project, a project team is identified and includes members of the the data contributor and NACHC staff and documented on the project Confluence page. Additionally, members of the project team who will have access to project data are identified at the project inception. As the project team evolves through the project lifecycle, the project team is updated on Confluence and in project-related documentation, as appropriate.

Informatics Services

NACHC's informatics services can include subject matter expertise, technical assistance, data management, and analysis services, which are defined in the table below.

Subject matter expertiseTechnical assistanceData managementAnalysis services
  • Providing guidance materials and sharing knowledge with data  partners on how best to collect, store, and use their data
  • Coaching and assisting data partners to improve the quality of their data collection and use 
  • Receiving, ingesting, standardizing and normalizing, cleaning, and transforming data from partners into a format and structure best suited for analysis
  • Mapping and normalizing disparate data structures and formats into a common data model
  • Conducting data quality activities and identifying data quality issues 
  • Performing analysis on one or multiple datasets to assess a prescribed outcome or outcomes (e.g., the percent of women who received contraception counseling)
  • Calculate a predefined quality measure (e.g., the percent of screening-eligible patients who were screened)

 Most informatics projects involve multiple informatics services. 

Work Products and Attribution

Informatics work generates the following work products: data quality results, analytic results, value sets, measure definitions, and recommendations. Work products are owned by all members of the project team and can be shared in manuscripts, abstracts, slides, and guidance documents. How and to whom work products are attributed is discussed with all project partners at the outset and as the project evolves to ensure that attribution of work projects is accurate and equitable.  

Identification of Data 

There are three types of data that may be shared with NACHC.


Identified data set includes PHI identified beyond that which would qualify as a LDS. A DUA cannot be used to facilitate sharing a PHI dataset. Instead, a BAA (Business Associate Agreement) or other agreement is appropriate if the participants have not signed a HIPAA authorization for the data sharing. Currently NACHC is not engaged in any informatics project where an identified dataset is being received. 

Currently, NACHC receives only de-identified data and limited datasets. Notably, these levels of identification are focused on patient identification and do not address identification of health centers, which can also be sensitive but does not fall under HIPAA (see next section).

Identification of Health Centers

If and how health centers are identified is addressed in

Section 2: Contracts and Regulatory

Data Use Agreements (



Because a LDS is still PHI, the HIPAA Privacy Regulations contemplate that the privacy of individuals will be protected by requiring covered entities (e.g.,health centers) to enter into DUAs with recipients of the LDS (NACHC). The data use agreement must meet standards specified in the Privacy Regulations. The purpose of a DUA, as required by HIPAA, is to:


NACHC has a DUA template that has been vetted and approved by NACHC legal council. Alternatively, data partners are welcome to request the use of their institutional DUA template that can be customized for the project by NACHC staff. A process to initiate a DUA is documented below.

DUA Responsibilities 

When NACHC is the provider of the data:


If NACHC is the recipient of a LDS of PHI from a non-NACHC source, the NACHC project lead with either use the NACHC template or be asked to sign the other party’s Data Use Agreement.  When using another party's DUA, the NACHC project lead is responsible for reviewing the Data Use Agreement and determining if it complies in material terms with the NACHC DUA template.  If the other party’s DUA differs materially from the NACHC DUA template, or if there is any uncertainty, the NACHC legal council must be consulted.

Process to Initiate a Data Use Agreement (DUA)

Not all projects require a DUA but each project where data is being shared should consider the need for a data use agreement upon project initiation. The following process is recommended. 

    1. NACHC project lead completes the NACHC DUA Checklist to determine if a DUA is needed. This should occur as part of the project's initiation.
    2. The checklist is reviewed with data partner at an early project meeting to confirm the need for a DUA and level of identification of a dataset
    3. Once completed, the DUA checklist is stored in the project Confluence page. 
    4. If the DUA checklist identified a need for a DUA, the checklist is shared with the NACHC contract officer to begin the creation of a project-specific DUA.

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

NACHC adheres to the Office for Human Research Protections regulations (45 CFR part 46) of human subjects research. NACHC informatics work is primarily quality improvement (QI) in nature which OHRP provides specific IRB guidelines. In general, OHRP states that QI is not human subjects research. Research is defined as systematic investigation, including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge.  When QI projects do not align with this research definitions, HHS regulations for the protection of human subjects do not apply and there is no requirement under these regulations for such activities to undergo review by an IRB, or for these activities to be conducted with provider or patient informed consent.

However, NACHC does conduct research and some quality improvement projects with research elements, which requires IRB review. NACHC has a relationship multiple IRBs but recommends the use of the IRB at AT Still University with whom NACHC has an established relationship. A detailed manual is available to provide guidance for an IRB submission. NACHC also supports data partners or project partners use of an affiliated IRB. When IRB is needed, NACHC appoints an institutional primary investigator. Individuals who can be NACHC PI's maintain the appropriate CITI certifications and have an established PI number with AT Still's IRB.